Simplify Your Development Process with Continuous Integration

Free Online Course
3-4 hours worth of material


Automate code integrations with continuous integration and continuous development.
  • Learn about version control systems and practice using Git and GitHub.
  • Develop, test, and deploy an app as a team using Salesforce DX, Git, and GitHub.


  • Git and GitHub Basics
    • Learn Why Version Control Is Important for Team-Based Development
    • Learn Where GitHub Fits in the Development Lifecycle
    • Discover Collaboration within GitHub
    • Work with the GitHub Workflow
    • Work with Teams in GitHub
    • Work with Your History in Git
  • Develop an App with Salesforce CLI and Source Control
    • Create and Launch Your Trailhead Playground
    • Set Up Your Environment
    • Create a Salesforce DX Project
    • Add a Salesforce DX Project to Source Control
    • Develop the Map Component
    • Develop the Gallery Component
    • Merge Feature Branches and Deploy Metadata