Continuous integration with Azure DevOps for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Learn
Free Online Course
7-8 hours worth of material


  • Module 1: Do you want to know how to start implementing a version control system to manage your Business Central applications source code? With Azure DevOps you can do that, and much more. You'll learn about the features of the application lifecycle management tool Azure DevOps.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Create an Azure DevOps organization
    • Create an Azure DevOps project
    • Know about the different services in Azure DevOps
    • Connect via a Personal Access Token
    • Know the difference between GitHub and Azure DevOps
  • Module 2: Do you want to know how to work with Git and use all the different Git commands? Ever wonder how Git is different from other version control systems? This module will discuss how to work with local and remote Git repositories.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Configure Git
    • Know the structure of Git repositories
    • Create a new local Git repository
    • Add and remove files from Git
    • Link and clone a remote Git Repository
    • Work with the .gitignore file
  • Module 3: Do you want to work with different branches in Git to separate your development code from the code in production? In this module we'll discuss how you can work with branches in Git and merge your modifications.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Explain why you should use branches
    • Create branches and merge changes into a branch
    • Enable branch policies on a remote branch to require the usage of pull requests
    • Create and work with pull requests
    • Decide on the best branching strategy for their projects
  • Module 4: Do you want to know how you can benefit from working with Docker and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Docker offers images for every released version of Business Central in every available country or region.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Learn how to install Docker.
    • Discover the difference between images and containers.
    • Learn where and how to download a Business Central image.
    • Use the basic Docker commands to create, start, and stop a container.
    • Install and use the BcContainerHelper.
  • Module 5: Do you want to know how you can write your own unit tests with AL language? Do you want to know how you can test your own extension? This module will provide you with an introduction to test automation.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Learn how to write test code in AL with Test Codeunits
    • Install and run the Test Toolkit in Docker containers
    • Run standard Business Central tests
  • Module 6: Do you want to know how to configure and set up an automated build process? In this module, you'll learn how to configure CI/CD with Business Central applications, how to create pipelines using YAML files, and set up a release process.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Know what CI/CD is
    • Configure build agents on local servers
    • Create and configure build pipelines
    • Work with YAML files
    • Create a release pipeline
  • Module 7: Do you want to manage the tasks for your development team centrally? Want to see the progress of a project or assign work items to your developers? This module will focus on these topics.
  • In this module, you will:

    • Work and modify process templates
    • Configure iterations in Azure Boards
    • Create work items
    • Link code changes to work items
    • Create project dashboards
    • Work with the Wiki pages in Azure DevOps
    • Integrate Microsoft Teams with Azure DevOps


  • Module 1: Use Application Lifecycle Management for Business Central
    • Introduction
    • Create an Azure DevOps organization
    • Manage Azure DevOps Projects
    • Introduction to Azure DevOps Services
    • Connect to Azure DevOps via Personal Access Tokens
    • Introduction to GitHub
    • Exercise - Create an Azure DevOps organization and project
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 2: Work with source control using Git in Visual Studio Code for Business Central
    • Introduction
    • Configure Git
    • Compare and contrast local and remote repositories
    • Create a local Git repository
    • Use the .gitignore file
    • Add and remove files in Git
    • Get the status of your Git repository
    • Use a remote Git repository
    • Clone a remote Git repository
    • Work with a remote Git Repository
    • Exercise - Source control with Git
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 3: Use branching and merging with Git for Business Central
    • Introduction
    • Branch commands in Git
    • Use Rebase in Git
    • Set branch policies in Azure DevOps
    • Use pull requests in Git with Azure DevOps
    • Work with different branching strategies
    • Exercise - Use branching and merging with Git
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 4: Use Docker in your Business Central development process
    • Introduction
    • Work with Docker images and containers
    • Install Docker on Windows
    • Process Isolation vs. Hyper-V Isolation
    • Basic Docker commands
    • Use the BcContainerHelper
    • Exercise - Use Docker to test the latest Business Central version
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 5: Introduction to test automation in Business Central
    • Introduction
    • Test applications in Business Central
    • Install and run the Test Toolkit
    • Run the standard tests
    • Create your own test codeunits with a test app
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 6: Use Azure Pipelines for CI/CD with Business Central
    • Introduction
    • What is CI/CD?
    • Configure build agents
    • Create a build pipeline
    • Work with YAML files
    • Create a release pipeline
    • Exercise - Use Azure Pipelines for CI/CD with Business Central
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary
  • Module 7: Work with Azure Boards for project management in Business Central
    • Introduction
    • Work with the process templates
    • Configure iterations in Azure Boards
    • Create work items and link to code changes
    • Work with project dashboards and wikis
    • Use Microsoft Teams to integrate with Azure DevOps
    • Exercise - Work with Azure Boards
    • Check your knowledge
    • Summary