Build Applications with CumulusCI

Free Online Course
5-6 hours worth of material


Build and automate applications for Salesforce and collaborate on open source applications.
  • Learn about CumulusCI, a toolset for collaboration.
  • Get set up to use CumulusCI.
  • Start a new development project, and capture and share customizations.
  • Learn how to add a demonstration dataset that can be imported with CumulusCI.
  • Build and share a managed package for your app.
  • Incorporate customizations and install your solution.


  • CumulusCI Basics
    • Learn About's App Development Model
    • Use the "Sundae" Model to Build a Food Bank App
  • CumulusCI Setup
    • Review Base Requirements and Install Visual Studio Code
    • Set Up Your Salesforce Environment
    • Install CumulusCI
    • Set Up GitHub and Connect to CumulusCI
  • Community Project Development with CumulusCI
    • Set Up the Project
    • Make and Capture Customizations to Your App
    • Make Customizations Available to Your Project Team
  • Data Management with CumulusCI
    • Build a Demonstration Dataset
    • Learn About Tasks and Flows to Customize CumulusCI
    • Add Demonstration Data to Your Org
  • CumulusCI for Managed Packages
    • Convert to a Managed Package
    • Create a Packaging Org
    • Get Ready to Release Your Managed Package
  • CumulusCI for Post-Install Customizations
    • Create an Implementation Project
    • Add Customizations Post Installation
    • Install Your Customized Project in Production