Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, & Access Essentials

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Free Online Course (Audit)
Paid Certificate Available
4 weeks long, 8-9 hours worth of material


This is a four-module course that guides you through some fundamental concepts of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access, with the goal of emerging as a change agent using your spheres of influence to create more intentionally inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible environments. These modules include activities, various forms of media, and other interactive resources to help to you actively engage with the material and guide you through your own self-awareness and reflection about these topics.


  • Module 1: Diversity, Cultural Humility, and the Awareness Continuum
    • In this module, we will focus on dimensions of diversity, cultural humility, and both self-and other-awareness. You will also have an opportunity to reflect on each topic and check for understanding.
  • Module 2: Bias Awareness and Socialization
    • In this module, we discuss how the processes of socialization and identity development produce biases and suggest strategies for mitigating the impact our biases have on our interactions with others.
  • Module 3: Microaggressions and Inclusive Language
    • In this module, we investigate microaggressions, their impact, and inclusive uses of language that foster belonging.
  • Module 4: Privilege, Advocacy, and Equity
    • In this module, we strategize ways to advocate for equity in our communities through coalition building and accomplice-ship.

Taught by

Earl Levingston, Ph.D