Cell Biology

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


Cell biology is an interdisciplinary subject integrating the fields of biochemistry, molecular cell biology and genetics. The aim of the course is to gives basic knowledge about the structure and function of cells and cellular components. The different modules of the course will examine different areas of cellular biology including structure and function of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, membrane and organelle structure and function, chemical composition of the cell, cell organelles and cellular communication. In this course, we will also examine the methods to fractionate cells and cellular components. The other important aspects of cell biology that will be discussed in the course includes: mechanisms behind organelle transport and secretion;; the structure and function of enzymes and kinetics of enzyme reactions; cell communication; intercellular contacts, cell surface receptors; extracellular matrices; signals over the plasma membrane, receptors, and cell signaling; the organisation and structure of the cell nucleus, chromatin and chromosomes.



Week 1 : Cells, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Plant and animal cells, Chemical components of biological membranesWeek 2 : Organization and Fluid Mosaic Model, Extracellular Structures, Cytosol, EnzymesWeek 3 : Eukaryotic Cell organelles, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, ribosomes and nucleus, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes and Peroxisomes, Membrane Vacuolar systemWeek 4 : Cytoskeletons and Cell Membrane, Membrane Transport, Protein Trafficking, Ubiquitin Receptors and Protein Quality Control, Subcellular FractionationWeek 5 : Nucleus: Structure and Function, Chromosomes and their structure Cell division: Comparison between Mitosis and Meiosis and crossing over, Symmetric and asymmetric cell divisionsWeek 6 : Cell Cycle and its regulation, Regulation of DNA replication, Cell differentiation and stem cells, Tumor Suppressor Genes and OncogenesWeek 7 : Brief outline of Cancer Biochemistry and Cancer Phase of Cell Cycle, Cell Migration and Cancer Metastasis, Brief Treatment on cell culturing: Apoptosis and ageing, Agents promoting carcinogenesisWeek 8 : Autophagy, Nerve cell signaling, Signal Transduction by Cytokine and Nuclear Receptors, Signal Transduction by G proteinsWeek 9 : Introduction to Lab Safety: Micro pipette use, solutions, dilutions, and unit conversions, Demonstration of dialysis, Study of plasmolysis and de-plasmolysis, Enzyme activity assayWeek 10 : Study of structure of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell,Cell viability assay, Study of mitosis in onion root, Preparation of Nuclear, Mitochondrial & cytoplasmic fractions

Taught by

Dr. K. Sanatombi