Sustainable Design of Electronics

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Certificate Available
11 weeks long, 3-5 hours a week


In a circular economy, products are designed to last. Yet every product will eventually reach the end of its functional life. Recycling can help recover the value embedded in its materials so that these can be used again. However, for complex products like electronics, applying this seemingly simple principle can raise big challenges.

This two-course program supports designers, engineers and decision makers in the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) industry in making the transition towards a circular economy by exploring both Design for Recycling and Designing with Recycled plastics.

In the first course, you will explore the basic concepts of the circular economy and their implementation from various perspectives: how businesses can create value by reusing and recycling products; how designers can come up with amazingly clever solutions; and how to apply systems thinking to the transition to the circular economy.

In the second course, you will learn how the recyclability of EEE products or consumer electronics can be optimized through good design and how to utilize recycled plastic content in existing or new products using new methods. We will examine inspiring examples and provide insight into current and future recycling technologies, legislation and business models.

If you are looking for ways to upskill yourself and become a designer who not only creates great products but contributes to sustainable design and a positive environmental impact – this is the program for you!


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Circular Economy: An Introduction

Learn how to contribute to a sustainable economic system by implementing novel business and design approaches

Course 2: Designing Electronics for Recycling in a Circular Economy

Discover the latest developments in Design for Recycling (DfR) of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and the application of recycled plastics into new products.

Taught by

Erwin van der Laan, Ken Webster, Conny Bakker, David Peck, Ruud Balkenende and Ester van der Voet