Smarter Cities: Using Data to Drive Urban Innovation

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Learn about the future of cities and how smart cities are rising to meet the challenges of rapid urban development. Discover how to start a career in urban innovation.


  • Welcome

1. Our Future Belongs to Cities

  • The big migration
  • Challenges of rapid urban development

2. Rethinking How Cities Are Delivered

  • Overview of core city functions
  • The problem with applying 20th century solutions to 21st century problems
  • The amazing opportunity to reinvent our cities

3. Building Smarter Cities

  • What is a smart city?
  • Examples of smart cities around the world
  • Planning tips for a smart city

4. The Role of Data in Driving Urban Innovation

  • Data in a city context
  • What is open data?
  • Data and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Create urban innovation with data


  • Next steps



  • Welcome

1. Our Future Belongs to Cities

  • The big migration
  • Challenges of rapid urban development

2. Rethinking How Cities Are Delivered

  • Overview of core city functions
  • The problem with applying 20th century solutions to 21st century problems
  • The amazing opportunity to reinvent our cities

3. Building Smarter Cities

  • What is a smart city?
  • Examples of smart cities around the world
  • Planning tips for a smart city

4. The Role of Data in Driving Urban Innovation

  • Data in a city context
  • What is open data?
  • Data and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Create urban innovation with data


  • Next steps

Taught by

Jonathan Reichental