Selenium with Python

Free Online Course
9 hours worth of material


Selenium WebDriver With Python - Installation & First Code - Part 1.
Python WebDriverManager with Selenium || Cross Browser Testing. - Part 2.
Different Locators in Selenium-Python - Part 3.
Select Drop Down Values in Selenium Python - Part 4.
Handle JQuery Multi Select Drop Down (Interview Question) - Selenium Python - Part 5.
MoveToElement || DragAndDrop || RightClick || User Actions in Selenium -Python Part 6.
Handle Alert Pop Up | Frames | File Upload Pop Up | Authentication Pop Up - Selenium Python - Part 7.
Browser Back & Forward || Handle Cookies in Selenium Python - Part 8.
HeadLess Chrome and Firefox in Selenium Python - Part 9.
How to take Screenshot (Full Page) in Selenium Python - Part 10.
ImplicitlyWait - Dynamic Wait in Selenium - Python - Part 11.
Explicit - WebDriverWait in Selenium Python - 12.
Execute Javascript using Selenium Python - Part 13.
How to handle certificate error using Selenium - Python - Part 14.
Read Excel Sheet - Data Driven Approach in Selenium Python - Part 15.
Part 1: PyTest : Python Test Framework Tutorials.
Part 2: PyTest - Run your test with Markers and In Parallel Mode.
Part 3: PyTest Fixtures with Selenium || PyTest Html Report.
Part 4 - PyTest Fixtures with Class Scope || Fixture parameters || PyTest Selenium Test.
Part 5 - Create Global Pytest Fixture using file.
Part 6 - How to Parametrize test in PyTest (Parameterization).
Page Object Model - Python Selenium with PyTest - Part 1.
Page Object Model - Python Selenium with PyTest - Part 2.

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Naveen AutomationLabs