Web Automation using Robot Framework (Selenium with Python) For Beginners

Free Online Course
8 hours worth of material


Part1- Introduction to Robot Framework | Environment Setup | Selenium with Python.
Part2- First Test Case in Robot Framework | File Extensions | Writing Robot File | Reporting.
Part3- How To Handle Input Box in Robot Framework | Selenium Python.
Part4- How To Select Radio Buttons & Check Boxes in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part5- How To Select Options from Drop-Down & List Boxes in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part6- Waits & TimeOuts in Robot Framework | Selenium Speed | Selenium Timeout | Implicit wait.
Part7- How to Close Single & Multiple Browsers in Robot Framework.
Part 8- How to Handle Alerts & Frames Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 9- How to Handle Tabbed Windows &Browser Windows | RobotFramework |Selenium with Python.
Part10-Browser related Keywords | Robot Framework | Go To |Go Back | Get Location.
Part 11- How to Capture Element & Full Page Screenshot | RobotFramework | Selenium with Python.
Part 12- How to perform Mouse Operations in Robot Framework| Selenium with Python.
Part 13- User Defined Keywords & Resource Files in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 14- Scrolling Page using JavaScript executor in Robot Framework |Selenium with Python.
Part 15- How to work with FOR loop in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 16- How to Count & Extract Link Texts in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 17- How to Handle Web/HTML Table in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 18-Data Driven Testing Using Script in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 19- Data Driven Testing Using Excel & CSV Files in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 20- Database Testing using Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 21- Setup & TearDown in Robot FrameworkRobot | Selenium with Python.
Part 22- Tags | Grouping Tests in Robot FrameworkRobot | Selenium with Python.
Part 23- Page Object Model (POM) Pattern in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 24- Parallel Test Execution in Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 25- Headless Browser Testingin Robot Framework | Selenium with Python.
Part 26 -Jenkins Integration with Robot Framework | Run Tests on Jenkins | Selenium with Python.

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SDET - QA Automation Techie