Drones and Autonomous Systems

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Certificate Available
12 weeks long, 2-3 hours a week


If you want to be the specialist who can procure and use cutting-edge systems to help save lives and cut disaster losses, this Professional Certificate provides the foundational knowledge you need when working with autonomous vehicles as well as unmanned aircraft systems and real-time, line-of-sight aerial or underwater vehicles.

Taught by instructors with decades of experience in drone technology applications in combat and civilian operations, systems design, and emergency management planning, this Professional Certificate will equip analysts and operational associates with the technical and planning know-how for emergency planning.

Additionally, those who have interest in drones, be it casual or in-depth, can use this course to gain insight into the basic elements of commercial off the shelf drone systems that are used in civilian missions and to gain insight into artificial intelligence applications and the emergency management, first responder, homeland security, and intelligence fields.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Drones and Autonomous Systems I: Fundamentals

Learn the essentials you need in order to use cutting edge drone technology.

Course 2: Drones and Autonomous Systems 2: Applications in Emergency Management

Learn the latest applications of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in emergency management, public safety, and industry, as well as the potential risks UAS pose to safety and privacy.

Taught by

Irmak Renda-Tanali, D.Sc., Barry Douglass, Ph.D. and Brian Powers, M.A.