Leading Effective Project Teams

Free Online Course
Certificate Available
6 weeks long


Teamwork and project management are interdependent disciplines. Imagine trying to manage a project without teamwork. Orchestrating the delivery of a project requires a team culture that can only be achieved through leadership and teamwork. Developing teams and promoting a synergistic culture of teamwork is an essential career skill for today's project managers.

During this course you can expect to obtain the following skills to leverage toward achieving project management excellence:

  • Understanding of the characteristics of highly productive project teams and project leaders
  • Methods for use in developing successful and positive project teams
  • Awareness of the essential attributes of an effective project team environment and culture
  • Unique attributes and methods for use toward leadership of virtual and cross-cultural project teams

Each week’s reading is accompanied by a narrated PowerPoint presentation. NO textbook is required: all material will be accessible on the internet.


Taught by

Kent Lacy