Sustainable and Affordable Sanitation Solutions For Small Towns: Policy, Planning and Practice

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
4 weeks long


Instructional designers today have tremendous access to a variety of technology tools while designing e-learning. An important role for instructional designers is to integrate effective pedagogical strategies to promote students’ engagement and learning. This course focuses on learner-centric principles and practices in the design of e-learning in STEM disciplines. Effective strategies and processes based on research from the learning sciences and educational technology will be discussed. Course participants will explore the application of e-learning design in various STEM topics in K-12 and higher education. The course will expose participants to some examples of basic and advanced technologies involved in designing e-learning.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: Local academic institutions, Local government agencies. PREREQUISITES:Nil.INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Local academic institutions, Local government agencies



Week 1:Current status of water pollution in Indian cities: Problems, Issues and Challenges, Problemsof dominant approach in municipal wastewater
Management shifts in sanitation planning:
The Emergent alternative solutions
Strategies to alternative sanitation planning for small towns
Week 2:Technology options in wastewater managementAlternative technology Options in wastewater management
Steps for sanitation planning for small towns (Case of Alibag)
Developing sanitation zones and waste watershed zonesWeek 3:Current status of solid waste management in Indian Cities: Problems, Issues and Challenges
Shifts in solid waste planning: The emergent alternative solutions
Strategies and steps to alternative solid waste planning for small towns: A case of Alappuzha
Week 4:Current status of Fecal Sludge Management in Indian Cities: Problems, Issues and Challenges
Approachesand tools to fecal sludge management strategies
Steps to fecal sludge management for small towns

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