Intro to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining

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4 weeks long, 7-8 hours worth of material


Welcome to Introduction to Analytic Thinking, Data Science, and Data Mining. In this course, we will begin with an exploration of the field and profession of data science with a focus on the skills and ethical considerations required when working with data. We will review the types of business problems data science can solve and discuss the application of the CRISP-DM process to data mining efforts. A brief overview of Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive Analytics will be provided, and we will conclude the course with an exploratory activity to learn more about the tools and resources you might find in a data science toolkit.
  • Data Science: The Field and Profession
    • Welcome to Module 1, Data Science: The Field and Profession. In this module, we will review data science as a field and explore the concepts of small and big data. We will also survey the skills of successful data scientists and discuss the types of business problems data scientists might be asked to solve in the near future.
  • Data Science in Business
    • Welcome to Module 2, Data Science in Business. In this module, we will take a closer look at the applications of data science in a business environment and discuss ethical considerations to keep in mind when working with data.
  • Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics
    • Welcome to Module 3, Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics. In this module we will begin with an explanation of CRISP-DM, a cross-industry standard process for data mining. We will also provide an introduction to descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
  • Solving Problems with Data Science
    • Welcome to Module 4, Solving Problems with Data Science. In this last module of the course we will explore some real-world applications of data science solutions and take a closer look at the types of tools and programs you might expect to see in a data science toolkit.


  • Data Science: The Field and Profession
    • Welcome to Module 1, Data Science: The Field and Profession. In this module, we will review data science as a field and explore the concepts of small and big data. We will also survey the skills of successful data scientists and discuss the types of business problems data scientists might be asked to solve in the near future.
  • Data Science in Business
    • Welcome to Module 2, Data Science in Business. In this module, we will take a closer look at the applications of data science in a business environment and discuss ethical considerations to keep in mind when working with data.
  • Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics
    • Welcome to Module 3, Data Mining and an Overview of Data Analytics. In this module we will begin with an explanation of CRISP-DM, a cross-industry standard process for data mining. We will also provide an introduction to descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics.
  • Solving Problems with Data Science
    • Welcome to Module 4, Solving Problems with Data Science. In this last module of the course we will explore some real-world applications of data science solutions and take a closer look at the types of tools and programs you might expect to see in a data science toolkit.

Taught by

Julie Pai