Mining Data from Time Series

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2-3 hours worth of material


Master time series analysis in Python and be able to produce powerful quantitative forecasts.

Are you struggling with the analysis of time series data or do you want to create a powerful quantitative forecasting model in Python? In this course, Mining Data from Time Series, you will gain the ability to model and forecast time series in Python. First, you will learn about time series data, which is data captured along a timeline with specific statistical traits crucial for any model. Then, you will see the statistical foundations first before diving into the classic time series models of ARIMA, seasonal decomposition as well as exponential smoothing. Finally, you will explore some advanced concepts like the new Prophet package from Facebook or multivariate time series. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of time series analysis needed to model and forecast standard univariate time series data sets.

Taught by

Martin Burger