Food and Nutrition: The Truth Behind Food Headlines

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Free Online Course (Audit)
$49.00 Certificate Available
3 weeks long, 2 hours a week


Rebuild your trust in nutrition science and look beyond the media headlines

Please note this course runs without facilitation

Due to conflicting messages from the media, it’s becoming harder to know what to believe when it comes to following a healthy diet and lifestyle.

On this course, you’ll compare how nutrition and health topics are handled by the media and science.

You’ll be encouraged to think critically about the information behind media headlines and come to your own conclusions about what’s good for you.

You’ll explore the psychology of why we’re easily influenced by headlines and learn about different types of biases, like confirmatory and availability bias.

You’ll also learn how to find reliable information online and identify unreliable health studies.

This course is designed for anyone who is losing trust in media headlines about how what we eat affects our health and who wants to get to the truth.

The Educators won’t be able to join the discussions themselves or respond to individual comments,but the course encourages a strong learning community. The learning is focused around debate and discussion – supporting other learners, sharing your own experience and knowledge, and listening to new perspectives. We hope that you will enjoy interacting with and learning from each other in this way.

Taught by

Jing Guo