Food Science & Processing

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


Certificate Programme in Food Science & ProcessingThis course is designed to give students a broad overview of the field of Food Science & Processing, emphasizing on significant concepts, theory, and research.
This course will try to answer such questions as:
  • How to know the nutritional quality of food
  • How to plan balanced diets for various age groups
  • What are the nutrients important for the body and the role they play



WEEK - 01 Objective
  1. Concept of Nutrition and Functions of Food
  2. Scope of Human Nutrition
  3. Classification of nutrients, Recommended Dietary Allowances
  4. Energy in Human Nutrition

WEEK - 02 Objective
  1. Energy requirements for humans
  2. Basal Metabolic Rate
  3. Sources and Functions of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats
  4. Digestion & absorption of carbohemic index, glycemic load original

WEEK - 03 Objective
  1. Dietary fibre – classification and composition, nutritional significance
  2. Protein quality
  3. Digestion and absorption of lipids
  4. Water – Functions and Requirements

WEEK - 04 Objective
  1. Minerals and Trace Elements
  2. Fat soluble Vitamins - Physiological role, bioavailability, sources, deficiency andexcess
  3. Water Soluble Vitamins
  4. Assessment of nutritional status

WEEK - 05 Objective
  1. Basic terminology used in food Preparation
  2. Methods of cooking
  3. Structure, Composition and Nutritive Value of Cereals, Millets and Pulses
  4. Structure, Composition and Nutritive Value of Fruits and Vegetables

WEEK - 06 Objective
  1. Nutritional aspects and use of vegetables and fruits
  2. Structure, Composition and Nutritive Value of Milk and Milk Products
  3. Structure, composition and Nutrition and Nutritive value of Nuts and oilseeds
  4. Structure, Composition and Nutritive value of Meat and Fish

WEEK - 07 Objective
  1. Meat types selection spoilage preservation cooking
  2. Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition – Eggs
  3. Structure, composition and nutritive value of Egg and Poultry
  4. Types of Sugars and nutritional contribution of sugars

WEEK - 08 Objective
  1. Uses of sugar in cookery
  2. Role of Spices, Herbs and condiments
  3. Production, processing, cost and nutritional aspects of beverages
  4. Food supplementation, substitution, fortification and enrichment

WEEK - 09 Objective
  1. Food Adulteration
  2. Food Standards
  3. Importance of sanitation and hygiene in food
  4. Post harvest handling, Marketing and Distribution of Foods

WEEK - 10Objective
  1. Laws governing food service establishments
  2. Laws concerning hygiene and safety
  3. Menu planning, purchasing and storage of food for quantity food production
  4. Common nutritional problems in India

Taught by

Dr.V.Vijaya Lakshmi,