Cucumber with JavaScript

Test Automation University
Free Online Course
1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to validate BDD specifications with Cucumber and JavaScript

  • Cucumber with JavaScript
  • Chapter 1 - What is BDD?
  • Chapter 2 - Gherkin
  • Chapter 3 - What is Cucumber?
  • Chapter 4.1 - Installing Dependencies
  • Chapter 4.2 - Feature Files
  • Chapter 4.3 - Step Definitions
  • Chapter 4.4 - Support Files
  • Chapter 4.5 - Page Objects
  • Chapter 5.1 - Scenario Backgrounds
  • Chapter 5.2 - Scenario Outlines
  • Chapter 5.3 - Data Files, Tags, and NPM Scripts
  • Chapter 6 - Visual Testing

Taught by

Gavin Samuels