Mobile Automation Test with NodeJS, Appium, WebdriverIO

Free Online Course
10 hours worth of material


Lesson 01: Setup environment.
Lesson 02 - Setup Device and Appium Desktop.
BonusLesson - Install Emulator Without AndroidStudio.
Lesson 03 - Init Project and Test Configuration File.
Lesson 04 - Basic script structure and Hooks in Mocha.
Lesson 05 - First Script, Click on en element.
Lesson 06 - Basic with XPATH Selector.
Lesson 07 - SetValue API, Login Form.
Lesson 08 - addValue, clearValue API.
Lesson 09 - getText API.
Lesson 10 - Hadle Toggle Button.
Lesson 11- Wait Element Displayed before interacting.
Lesson 12 - Taking Screenshot.
Lesson 13 - Swipe Screen Vertically.
Lesson 14 - Swipe Screen Horizontally.
Lesson 15- Page Object.
Lesson 16 - Global Wait on Page Object.
Lesson 17 - Page Object Inheritance.
Lesson 18 - Method Chaining In Page Object.
Lesson 19 - Global Waifor in Test Configuration.
Lesson 20 - Built-in Assertion Matchers in WebDriverIO.
Lesson 21 - ChaiJS Assertion Library.
Lesson 22 - Create Common Test Flow.
Lesson 23 - Customize test data.
Lesson 24 - Simple Checklist for test scripts.
Lesson 25 - Real Test Script.
Lesson 26 - Deep Dive in Test Flow.
Lesson 27 - Shared Test Configuration File.
Lesson 28 - Beautiful Test Report with Allure Reporter.
Lesson 29 - Attach failure screenshot to test report.
Lesson 30 - Add TMS ID, Bug System ID to test report.
Lesson 31 - Add Test step with data into test report.
Lesson 32 - Multiple Devices for Parallel Testing on same machine.
Lesson 33 - Custom Test Report for multiple devices parallel testing.
Lesson 34 - Grouping your tests.
Lesson 35 - Distribute testing in parallel via Network with Selenium Grid.
Lesson 36 - Handle Webview in Hybrid Application.

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