Creating Your First Spring Boot Microservice

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1-2 hours worth of material


Spring-load your Java development. Learn how to use Spring Boot and Spring Data to deliver back-end microservices to consumers of RESTful APIs.

Turbocharge your back-end Java RESTful API development with Spring Boot and Spring Data technologies. This course is intended for experienced Java developers who want to rapidly build microservices that connect with relational databases via the Java Persistence API (JPA). Here, Mary Ellen Bowman walks you through a step-by-step process for building a microservice with an exposed RESTful API featuring HATEOAS, paging, and sorting. Learn about technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and Spring Data REST, and see how they all come together into smart and elegant solutions. To wrap up, Mary Ellen guides developers in migrating a microservice to a MongoDB data source.


  • Build a microservice with Spring Boot
  • Using the exercise files
1. Create a Spring Boot Microservice
  • Introduction to Spring Initialzr
  • Project setup
  • Build, deploy, and launch the microservice
2. Leverage Spring Data JPA Repository Interfaces
  • The domain model
  • The JPA entities
  • Declare Spring Data JPA repository interfaces
  • Spring Data JPA repository dependency injection
  • Invoking the Spring Data JPA repositories
  • Introduction to Spring Data query methods
3. Expose RESTful APIs with Spring Data REST
  • What is a hypermedia-driven RESTful API?
  • Creating APIs with Spring Data REST
  • Explore the /search resource
  • Paging and sorting
  • Controlling API exposure
  • HAL Browser
4. Expose RESTful APIs with Spring MVC
  • Choosing the right framework
  • Declaring a new RestController
  • Create RestController HTTP POST method
  • Create RestController HTTP GET methods
  • Create RestController HTTP PUSH, PATCH, and DELETE methods
  • Paging and sorting DTOs
5. Pivot to a MongoDB NoSQL Data Source
  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • Spring Data MongoDB documents
  • Spring Data MongoDB repositories
  • Spring Data MongoDB microservice
  • Next steps

Taught by

Mary Ellen Bowman