Mastering Microservices with Java

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2-3 hours worth of material


Learn how to build small, light, and fast microservices in Java.

Microservices break monolithic applications into smaller, independent components that can be developed, tested, and deployed more quickly and efficiently. Get an overview of microservices development for Java production environments, in this course with Sourabh Sharma. Learn the principles of domain-driven design, and then discover how to write the code for a sample services, including services based on the entity and repository patterns. Next, learn how to design for security, and implement a registration and discovery service. The course closes with best practices for testing and troubleshooting Java microservices.

Note: To get the best results from this course, you should be familiar with the Spring Framework.

This course was created and produced by Packt Publishing. We are honored to host this training in our library.


1. Installation and Setup
  • The course overview
  • A solution approach using a new architecture paradigm
2. Writing Sample Tests
  • Sample REST service
  • Design importance and domain-driven design (DDD)
  • The building blocks, part 1
  • The building blocks, part 2: Artifacts of DDD
  • Aggregates and repository
  • Factory and modules
  • Strategic design and principles, part 1
  • Strategic design and principles, part 2
3. Wrapping Controls and Pages
  • Implementing the entity
  • Implementing the repository pattern
  • Implementing the domain service
4. Complex Cases for Pages and Elements
  • OTRS overview
  • OTRS services
  • Implementing the restaurant service
  • Implementing the GET endpoint
  • Implement the registration and discovery service
  • Testing

Taught by

Sourabh Sharma