Intervention and Teaching Strategies for Visually Impaired

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
8 weeks long


The right to education is universal to all including those with disabilities. Students with visual impairment can struggle with a wide variety of challenges in a mainstreamed classroom setting. This course will provide insight into the conceptual framework of the area of interventions and strategies for Visually Impaired. It will familiarize the learners with the approaches and tools of assessment and seeks to develop an understanding of how interventions in the areas affected can be instrumental in enhancing performance. The course will prepare the learners in helping children with visual impairment by developing appropriate strategies and intervention plans for them. This will prepare them to work with students in classroom set-ups and arm them with programmes for assessment, goal setting, reviewing and reporting the success of the intervention targets.



Week – I

1. Difference among methods, approaches and strategies2. Intervention - Concept, Scope and Importance3. Mediated Teaching - learning - Concept, Need and Procedure
Week – II
4. Enriched teaching for concept development5. Coping with Mathematics Phobia6. Conceptualization of Mathematical Ideas: Processes and Challenges for Children with Visual
Week – III
7. Preparation and Use of Tactile Materials8. Mental Arithmetic Abilities - Concept, Importance and Application9. Evaluation procedures with special reference to the Needs of Children with Visual ImpairmentWeek – IV
10. Providing First-hand Experience in the Class and School Environment11. Science Material12. Problem solving and learning by doing approach for visually impaired students
Week – V
13. Evaluation procedure with particular reference to practicals and adaptations in examination
questions14. Techniques of preparation and presentation of adapted tactile Maps , Diagrams and Globe15. Procuring and use of different types of models
Week – VI
16. Organizing Field Trips17. Teaching Skills - Dramatization, Narration, Explanation, Story- telling, and Role play18. Adaptation and Evaluation of concepts and skills in social science with particular reference to Geography
Week – VII
19. Vision Stimulation -120. Learning Media Assessment21. Techniques of Teaching Print to Children with Low Vision
Week – VIII
22. Low Vision Aids23. Orientation and Mobility for Low Vision Children24. Classroom Management- Seating arrangement, adjustable furniture illumination, non- reflecting surfaces and colour contrast

Taught by

Dr. G. Victoria Naomi