Digital Product Management

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Certificate Available
32 weeks long, 3-6 hours a week


Product Manager is one of the hottest positions in the emerging digital economy.

The Product Manager is essentially the “CEO” of a digital product. They understand and articulate needs; set up roadmaps, plan and coordinate the development process; champion and launch products and oversee the product life cycle. They are the implementers of ideas in digital business innovation.

In this Product Management MicroMasters program, you will gain hands on experience in:

  • Creating product roadmaps
  • Taking products from initial concept through user research, co-creation, and rapid prototyping
  • Agile and lean management practices for creating software and digital products
  • Social media and market testing methods
  • Applying perspective from best practices in platform based strategies.

The MicroMasters program concludes with two courses that leverage object oriented thinking, digital process capabilities, and data analytics tools to build “boundary-spanning” skills in running, measuring and adapting strategic experiments that may lead to novel products, business models and market growth.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Product Management with Lean, Agile and System Design Thinking

Learn how to use lean, agile and systems design thinking in all aspects of the digital products lifecycle.

Course 2: Platform Strategy for Business

Learn how you can design, launch, monetize and compete in a networked platform market.

Course 3: Strategic Social Media Marketing

Learn how to drive social media engagement by linking strategy and tactics and measuring results.

Course 4: Driving Digital Innovation through Experimentation

Learn how to apply principles of experimentation at the technical, organizational and strategic levels of your business to drive digital innovation.

Course 5: Business Analytics for Data-Driven Decision Making

Learn how to lead your firm to make better business decisions using analytic methods and create competitive advantages from data.

Taught by

Varun Nagaraj, Marshall Van Alstyne, Paul R. Carlile, Ben Lubin, John W. Byers, Chris Dellarocas, Andrei Lapets, Barbara Bickart and Nitin R. Joglekar