Create an Instagram Clone with React, Tailwind CSS, Firebase - Tutorial

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12 hours worth of material


Learn how to create an Instagram clone with React and JavaScript! This project uses React (custom hooks, useContext, useState, useEffect, useRef), Firebase (Firestore/auth), Tailwind CSS, LoadTest, Lighthouse, Vercel, React Testing Library and Cypress E2E Testing.

Showcase .
Create React App (yarn).
Project Folder Structure.
Installing Dependencies.
Refactoring unnecessary files, refactoring code.
Install ESLint.
Creating Folder Structure & Architecture.
Setup Firebase.
Firestore Rules.
Firestore (Collections & Docs).
Firebase Authentication.
Realtime Database (Explanation).
createContext in firebase.js.
Creating App in Firebase.
Start working on Login Page.
Install React Router Dom .
Create Routes.
Continue working on Login Page (Part 2).
Tailwind.css Introduction.
Continue working on Login Page (Part 3).
Install more dependencies.
Change how all scripts work.
yarn add postcss -D.
Create components folder.
Tailwind.css setup.
Completed Tailwind Setup, Continue working on Login Page (Part 4).
Interjection: Field Value.
Continue working on Login Page.
Login Functionality (with Firebase).
Signup Page.
Check for user created is a duplicate.
Not Found & Dashboard Page.
Created Timeline Component.
Created Sidebar Component.
Created Header Component.
use-auth-listener.js Hook.
users.js UserContext.
Back to Header Component.
Working on Dashboard Page.
Working on Sidebar Component.
use-user.js hook.
In user.js ⇒ Introduction to prop types.
Created Timeline.js.
Explanation on useMemo.
Add WhyDidYouRender.
Struggling with some issues .
Finally Figuring out some problems with WhyDidYouRender.
Working on suggestion.js (sidebar completed).
Get suggested profiles.
Functionality: Remove followed user from suggestion .
Functionality: Update user’s following & followers.
Overview on Timeline.
Creating Post Component.
Creating more custom hooks (usePhotos).
Rendering out the photos (using React skeleton).
Start work on Post Component.
Components within Post.
Header Component.
Image & Actions.
Service call in Firebase.
Show Comments.
Add Comments.
Adding Protected Routes.
Lazy load explanation.
Continue working on Profile Page.
Header Component in Profile Page.
Profile Specific Header.
Get User Photos.
Continue working on header.
Information in header.
Photos Component in Profile Page.
Recap of everything we’ve done.
Start of Review.
Not found header.
Review of usePhotos, useUsers, isUserLoggedIn, ProtectedRoute.
Review of contexts: firebase.js and user.js.
Review of Routes & Posts.
loadtest (Npm install -g loadtest).
Create a production build.
Deployment to Vercel done but with issues.
Issues fixed.
Wrapping up.
Changes and Refactoring (Fixing Bugs).
Quick Look at Paid Version.
Signing Off.


Showcase .
Create React App (yarn).
Project Folder Structure.
Installing Dependencies.
Refactoring unnecessary files, refactoring code.
Install ESLint.
Creating Folder Structure & Architecture.
Setup Firebase.
Firestore Rules.
Firestore (Collections & Docs).
Firebase Authentication.
Realtime Database (Explanation).
createContext in firebase.js.
Creating App in Firebase.
Start working on Login Page.
Install React Router Dom .
Create Routes.
Continue working on Login Page (Part 2).
Tailwind.css Introduction.
Continue working on Login Page (Part 3).
Install more dependencies.
Change how all scripts work.
yarn add postcss -D.
Create components folder.
Tailwind.css setup.
Completed Tailwind Setup, Continue working on Login Page (Part 4).
Interjection: Field Value.
Continue working on Login Page.
Login Functionality (with Firebase).
Signup Page.
Check for user created is a duplicate.
Not Found & Dashboard Page.
Created Timeline Component.
Created Sidebar Component.
Created Header Component.
use-auth-listener.js Hook.
users.js UserContext.
Back to Header Component.
Working on Dashboard Page.
Working on Sidebar Component.
use-user.js hook.
In user.js ⇒ Introduction to prop types.
Created Timeline.js.
Explanation on useMemo.
Add WhyDidYouRender.
Struggling with some issues .
Finally Figuring out some problems with WhyDidYouRender.
Working on suggestion.js (sidebar completed).
Get suggested profiles.
Functionality: Remove followed user from suggestion .
Functionality: Update user’s following & followers.
Overview on Timeline.
Creating Post Component.
Creating more custom hooks (usePhotos).
Rendering out the photos (using React skeleton).
Start work on Post Component.
Components within Post.
Header Component.
Image & Actions.
Service call in Firebase.
Show Comments.
Add Comments.
Adding Protected Routes.
Lazy load explanation.
Continue working on Profile Page.
Header Component in Profile Page.
Profile Specific Header.
Get User Photos.
Continue working on header.
Information in header.
Photos Component in Profile Page.
Recap of everything we’ve done.
Start of Review.
Not found header.
Review of usePhotos, useUsers, isUserLoggedIn, ProtectedRoute.
Review of contexts: firebase.js and user.js.
Review of Routes & Posts.
loadtest (Npm install -g loadtest).
Create a production build.
Deployment to Vercel done but with issues.
Issues fixed.
Wrapping up.
Changes and Refactoring (Fixing Bugs).
Quick Look at Paid Version.
Signing Off.

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