Build an Authenticated Jamstack App with Next.js, Airtable, Tailwind CSS, and Auth0

Free Online Course
1-2 hours worth of material


Course Intro and Project Setup with Create Next App - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (1).
Setting Up Tailwind CSS in Next.js - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (2).
Create a Navbar with Tailwind CSS - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (3).
Airtable JavaScript Setup and Next.js Environment Variables - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (4).
Integrate Airtable with Next.js Serverless Functions - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (5).
React Context API in Next.js to Integrate Airtable Data - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (6).
Setup Authentication in Next.js with Auth0 - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (7).
Create a Form with Tailwind CSS and Next.js - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (8).
Protected API Routes in Next.js with Auth0 - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (9).
Add Authorization in Next.js API Routes with Auth0 - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (10).
Next.js Mini Course Wrap Up And Next Steps - Fullstack Jamstack with Next.js (11).

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