Biomechanics of Joints and Orthopaedic Implants

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
8 weeks long


Biomechanics is a subject that seeks to understand the mechanics of living system. This subject helps to understand the relationship between structure and function of human joints, predict changes due to alterations, and propose methods of artificial interventions. This course is designed for B.Tech / M.Tech / PhD students who are likely to be benefited by learning the fundamental concepts of Biomechanics, joint kinetics and kinematics, tissue mechanics, implants design and analysis, as well as state-of-the-art techniques of modelling and simulation of biomechanical systems.INTENDED AUDIENCE :B.Tech / M.Tech / PhD students of Mechanical, Civil, Engineering Design, Biomedical Engineering and Medical students (with special interest)PRE-REQUISITES : Engineering Mechanics, Solid MechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT :Global Implant manufacturing companies like DePuy Johnson & Johnson, Zimmer, Stryker, Biomet, Smith & Nephew. Sports Authority of India and organizations requiring knowledge on Human Movement Science.


Week 1:Introduction Musculoskeletal system Bone, Muscle, Ligament, Tendon, Cartilage and Meniscus – structure and function Anatomy of Synovial Joints – Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow

Week 2:Biomechanics of Human Joints: (a) Hip Joint; (b) Knee Joint; (c) Shoulder Joint; (d) Elbow JointWeek 3:Biomechanics of Gait cycle Gait Analysis Measurement techniques 3-D Motion analysis system – markers, cameras and force platform Lower extremity – hip musculoskeletal forcesWeek 4:Joint Kinematics Principle of Forward and Inverse Dynamics Calculations on joint forces and moments Calculations on muscle forces Model-based estimation of musculoskeletal forces during movementsWeek 5:Concepts of Stresses and Strain Bone structure - Cancellous and Cortical Bone Mechanical Behaviour of BoneBone Adaptation and Viscoelasticity Bone Anisotropy.Week 6:Biomechanics of Joint Replacement – Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Spine Cemented and Cementless fixation Failure mechanisms of implants Implant Design ConsiderationsWeek 7:Biomechanical modelling techniques and analysis Finite Element Analysis of bone and implant Bone Remodelling – formulation, algorithm, simulation Experimental validation of numerical modelsWeek 8:Bone Fracture Healing Tissue Differentiation Mechanoregulatory principle Mechanobiology based simulation of bone ingrowth around implants – acetabular and femoral components

Taught by

Prof. Sanjay Gupta