Jeff Weiner on Leading like a CEO

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3-4 hours worth of material


Jeff Weiner led LinkedIn, the world’s largest network of professionals, for over 10 years. In this course, he shares his take on what it means to be a great leader.


  • Welcome to Leading Like a CEO
1. Awareness: Self
  • Be a spectator to your own thoughts
  • Manage compassionately
  • Know what you want to accomplish
  • Optimizing for passion and skill
  • Generating self-awareness
  • Discussion questions: Self-awareness
2. Awareness: Team, Company, and Macro
  • Building your team
  • Reading the room
  • Meeting dynamics
  • Awareness of company
  • Discussion questions: Team and company awareness
  • Competitive landscape
3. Synthesis: Vision to Values
  • Vision to values: Vision
  • Vision to values: Mission and value proposition
  • Vision to values: Target audiences
  • Vision to values: Strategy
  • Vision to values: Priorities
  • Vision to values: Objectives
  • Vision to values: Culture
  • Vision to values: Values
  • Discussion questions: Vision to values
4. Synthesis: Focus (FCS)
  • Fewer things done better
  • Communicate
  • Speed
  • Five-day alignment
  • Discussion questions: Focus
5. Synthesis: Tools
  • Flying at the right altitude
  • Time management
  • Forums
6. Inspiration: Clarity and Courage
  • Inspiration
  • Clarity of your vision
  • Courage of your convictions: Beliefs
  • Courage of your convictions: Values
  • Courage of your convictions: Alignment
  • Discussion question: Personal values
7. Inspiration: Effective Communication
  • Effectively communicating: Authenticity
  • Effectively communicating: Transparency
  • Effectively communicating: Repetition
  • Discussion question: Vulnerability at work
8. Inspiration: Effective Public Speaking
  • Effective speaking: Know your audience
  • Effective speaking: Know your material
  • Effective speaking: Know your passion

Taught by

Jeff Weiner