MongoDB for MEAN Stack Developers

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to persist data in your web applications with the MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js.

MEAN combines MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js into a single, full-stack solution for JavaScript development. In this project-based course, instructor Alexander Zanfir focuses on the M in the MEAN stack, showing how to persist data using a simple discussion board project. Learn how to create a form for users to post topics and replies, process the submissions on the back end, and store and display the data. Alexander also demonstrates how to associate users with posts. These techniques can be reused and recombined in your own MEAN-based web applications.


  • MongoDB for MEAN stack developers
  • What are you going to build?
  • What is the MEAN stack and why use it?
1. Setup
  • Install MongoDB
  • Set up an app with angular CLI
  • Install Angular Materials
2. Message Posting
  • Make an Angular post form
  • Create a post endpoint with Express
  • Send a post from Angular to the endpoint
  • Save to MongoDB from the endpoint
3. Display Messages
  • Create a message list query with MongoDB
  • Create a message list endpoint with Express
  • Requesting a message list in Angular
  • Creating a message list view in Angular
4. User Messages
  • Updating the message post form
  • Save a user with MongoDB
  • Setting up mongoose
  • Schemas, models, and saving with mongoose
  • Finding with mongoose
  • Associate a user with a post when making a post
5. Aggregates
  • Creating your first aggregate
  • Using $match to get a single user
  • Next steps

Taught by

Alexander Zanfir