Advanced Node.js

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2-3 hours worth of material


Learn advanced techniques for asynchronous programming and data streaming in Node.js.

Learn advanced techniques for asynchronous programming and data streaming in Node.js. In this course, instructor Alex Banks shows how to use asynchronous patterns such as callbacks, promises, and async/await to manage processes and enforce sequential, parallel, and concurrent execution. He then reviews streams, a critical feature for reading and writing data from Node applications. He introduces the four different types of streams—readable, writeable, duplex, and transform—and shows how to minimize backpressure, or buildup, in data transmission. In the final section, Alex shows how to combine the techniques and build an HTTP server for streaming video over the web. Learn how to ensure the stream is cross-browser compatible and collect multipart/form-data, such as text data and files, from the upload stream. By the end of the course, you'll have a powerful new toolset for building advanced, enterprise-scale applications with Node.js.


  • Welcome
  • What you should know
  • Using the exercise files
1. Asynchronous Patterns
  • Callback pattern
  • Resolving promises
  • Rejecting promises
  • The promisify function
  • Sequential execution
  • Sequential execution with async/await
  • Parallel execution
  • Concurrent tasks
  • Logging concurrent tasks
2. Advanced Streams
  • Why streams?
  • Readable streams
  • Using readable streams
  • Writable streams
  • Backpressure
  • Piping streams
  • Duplex streams
  • Transform streams
3. HTTP Streaming
  • Streaming to the browser
  • Handling range requests
  • Forking and uploading streams
  • Parsing multipart/form-data
  • Next steps

Taught by

Alex Banks