Deploying Django Apps: Make Your Site Go Live

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2-3 hours worth of material


Learn how to deploy a Django application to the cloud using Digital Ocean, AWS, Heroku, or Azure. Walk through the deployment steps using each solution.

Deploying a Django app to production doesn't have to be challenging. By learning how to leverage a cloud-based solution like Digital Ocean, AWS, Heroku, or Azure, you can cover your deployment needs, from small to large. Join Nick Walter as he demonstrates the steps involved to make a Django site go live. This course shows how to work with PostgreSQL, NGINX, S3, and more, so you can gain the skills necessary to transfer code to a host, manage files, create a web address, set up a database, test a site, and deploy a Django application.


  • Making your site go live
  • What you should know
  • Choosing the right deployment for you
1. Digital Ocean
  • Digital Ocean account
  • Creating a droplet
  • Securing your server
  • Postgres setup
  • Transferring code to the server
  • Configuring settings files
  • Testing deployment
  • Gunicorn testing
  • NGINX setup
  • Connecting your URL
2. AWS
  • AWS account
  • Deploying to AWS
  • Testing your site
  • Database connection and setup
  • Migrate
  • S3 storage setup
  • Static and media files
  • Custom URL
3. Heroku
  • Heroku account
  • Deploying on Heroku
  • Database on Heroku
  • Static and media files
  • Custom URL
4. Azure
  • Azure account
  • Database setup
  • Transferring code to the server
  • Configuring settings files
  • Testing deployment
  • Gunicorn testing
  • NGINX setup
  • Connecting your URL
  • Next steps

Taught by

Nick Walter