Test-Driven Development in Django

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to build Django applications using test-driven development.

As a high-level Python web framework, Django is very useful for developers to understand. Combining Django with a test-driven development process can lead to higher-quality code and a faster development cycle. In this course, follow along with Nick Walter as he explains test-driven development with Django. Nick explores functional tests and unit tests, discussing the differences. He also covers advanced testing methods, the Django testing framework, hash testing, POST requests, AJAX, and more.


  • Why test-driven development (TDD) is important
  • What you should know
  • TDD philosophy and project overview
1. Functional Tests
  • Functional vs. unit tests
  • Writing a test in Selenium
  • Passing your first test
  • The Django testing framework
  • Expanding your tests
2. Unit Tests
  • Writing a unit test
  • Testing page data
  • Hash testing
  • Writing a test for user input
  • Saving your model
  • Testing a POST request
  • Passing the test
3. Advanced Testing
  • User input with functional tests
  • Waiting
  • AJAX
  • Testing and deployment
  • TDD vs. test after
  • Next steps

Taught by

Nick Walter