Managing a Diverse Team

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to manage, counsel, and lead a diverse team in order to foster their best performance.

Team leaders should aim to create an inclusive culture that celebrates differences and fosters the best performance from every team member. In this course, leadership coach Vanessa Womack equips you with knowledge and impactful strategies that can help you successfully manage, counsel, and lead a diverse team. Vanessa first explains how to prepare yourself to lead by identifying cornerstones of diversity and reviewing diversity and inclusion terminology. She then shares strategies for observing and coaching your team to cultivate behaviors that build trust and strengthen relationships.


  • Welcome
1. Manager's Self-Preparation
  • Get yourself ready to manage, counsel, and lead
  • Define diversity and inclusion terminology
  • Identify cornerstones of diversity
  • Establish an open-door policy up front
2. Observe Behaviors
  • Get to know the team and individuals
  • Recognize normal behavior of team members
  • Team dynamics, performance, and expectations
  • Multigenerational teams
  • Eliminate toxic influences, intimidation, bullying, and more
3. Coach Team to Improve Behavior
  • Deal with inappropriate behavior
  • Create a team agreement
  • Practice self-monitoring
  • Use coaching tools to monitor results
4. Build Trust and Strengthen Relationships
  • Allow people to express their culture
  • Reflect on societal and political influences
  • Appreciate input andsuggestions from all
  • Build ongoing trust
  • Celebrate successes
  • Next steps

Taught by

Vanessa Womack