Educational Administration, Management and leadership in School Education

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


Educational administration is a process that includes the combined operation through which a country is maintained in good working conditions. It is a process of utilizing appropriate material in such a way as to promote effectively the development of human qualities. It includes all those techniques and procedures employed in operating the educational organization in accordance with established policies. Here the totality of resources are made available and made effective for accomplishing the purpose of an enterprise. Educational administration includes functions like planning, organizing, financing, directing, supervising, inspecting and evaluation. It is also concerned with elements like setting up of goals of education, review, feedback and innovation.Management in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives by using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management includes planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization to accomplish the goal or target. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.Leadership is both a research area and a practical skill encompassing the ability of an individual or organization to "lead" or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations.The course- Perspectives, issues and research in teacher education is a 60 hour 4 credit course having 36 modules. The time distribution will be as follows:
  1. Self Study through Video & Text - 35 hours
  2. Participation in discussion forum - 05 hours
  3. Web Search/ Library Search - 10 hours
  4. Assessment/Assignment - 10 hours


COURSE LAYOUTWeekly Course Plan aims to-Scheduling video lectures and related text materials (e-book, references, glossary, FAQs etc.) in weeks, so that overall learning outcome of the course can be achieved in a systematic way throughout the course following weekly learning objectives. 



Title of Lesson/Module

1st Week

Day 1

Concept and approaches to education administration management and governance

Day 2

Theories of Educational Administration

Day 3

Federalism and Decentralisation in Educational Administration and Management

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5



2nd Week

Day 1

Multilevel educational administration, management and governance

Day 2

Comparative Study of Multilevel System of Educational Administration among Some Developed and Some Developing Countries

Day 3

Development of Educational Administration in India in Pre-British Era: A Historical Perspective

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


3rd Week

Day 1

History and structure of educational administration during British period

Day 2

Landmarks in the development of educational administration in India after independence

Day 3

Constitutional Provisions Governing Educational Administration in India: Sharing of Powers

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


4th Week

Day 1

State Acts and Rules Related to Educational Administration in India: A Critical Appraisal

Day 2

Educational Administration: Structure, Functions and Processes at the Central Government Level

Day 3

Educational Administration: Structure, Functions and Processes at State Government Level

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


5th Week

Day 1

Educational Administration: structure, functions and processes at the district and sub-district level

Day 2

Administration and Management of Centrally Sponsored Programmes and Schemes for the Improvement of School Education: A Critical Analysis

Day 3

Principles and practices of supervision and monitoring of education system in India

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


6th Week

Day 1

School Supervision: Concepts & Theories

Day 2

School Standards and their Evaluation

Day 3

Regulations, Accountability Mechanisms, Regulatory Bodies Guiding the Education System

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


7th Week

Day 1

Code of conduct of teachers and professional ethics

Day 2

Academic Support Structures like NUEPA, NCERT, SCERT, SIEMAT, DIETs

Day 3

Resource Centres at Block and Cluster Levels: Structure and Appraisal

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


8th Week

Day 1

National Council of Teacher Education: Structure & Functions

Day 2

Program Evaluation

Day 3

Decentralization, Local Management and Governance in Education

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


9th Week

Day 1

Decentralized and Participatory School Governance: What and Why?

Day 2

Constitutional provisions and policy framework for decentralised educational governance in India

Day 3

Role of Panchayati Raj institutions in management of educational Institutions

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


10th Week

Day 1

Community based Structures for School Governance

Day 2

Role of Civil society organizations in governance of education

Day 3

Role of Civil society organizations in governance of education

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


11th Week

Day 1

Role of Non-Government Organisation (NGOs) and community based organisations (CBOs) in school governance

Day 2

Emerging issues and problems of educational administration

Day 3

Human Resource Management in Education

Day 4

Self Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


12th Week

Day 1

Teacher management and development issues

Day 2

Issues relating to management of Continuous Professional Development of teachers

Day 3

Need and Importance of Research in Educational Administration

Day 4

Self-Study- text & videos & Web search & Library Search

Day 5


Taught by

Prof. Amarendra Behera