Research evidence shows that if leadership is based on a vision that can be shared by all staff, parents and stakeholders, it also plays a crucial role for school development and innovation. Therefore, we no longer believe that a school principal or a small group of formal school leaders can serve as the instructional leaders, nor carry the burden for an entire school community. Improving students’ learning is not possible without the interaction of teachers, parents, and pupils. Successful, engaging and empowering school leadership, which motivates and includes formal and non-formal leaders is key to bringing the change we want to see in our school.
The Learning Leadership for Change: Shared Leadership in Your School course aims to foster school leadership and effective networking. The course will provide you with an opportunity to gain knowledge on the multiple aspects of shared leadership, in theory, and bring it to action, while at the same time learning from other schools practices on the topic and exchange good practices with others.
During the course, we will be reflecting, discussing and sharing on the topics above. Furthermore, you will also have the opportunity to find a community of like-minded professionals who can support each other in improving their classroom practices. We will be using a variety of online tools and social media outlets to communicate with each other and to engage in a number of peer review activities, as part of the course.
Join us in the Facebook group or share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtag #L2CMOOC.
Module 1: Shared Leadership - What Is It All About? - opens on 03/02/2020
Module 2: Shared Leadership in a School Context - opens on 10/02/2020
Module 3: Teacher Leaders and Sharing Leaders - opens on 17/02/2020
Module 4: Our Shared Leadership Action Plan - opens on 24/02/2020