AWS for Developers: Data-Driven Serverless Applications with Kinesis

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2-3 hours worth of material


Serverless adoption is growing rapidly. Developers can stay sharp by learning about serverless applications. This course focuses on Kinesis, an AWS serverless service.

Data-driven applications have their application flow governed by the data, and the serverless framework can serve as the web framework to create this kind of application. In this course, join instructor Marcia Villalba as she takes you through an overview of serverless applications and Kinesis. Learn how to design an event-driven application, how to integrate AWS Lambda and Kinesis streams, and how to set up necessary permissions. Also, discover how to leverage CloudFormation, API Gateway, SES, SNS, and SQS, and more.


  • AWS and serverless applications
  • What you should know
1. Get Started with Serverless
  • What is a serverless application?
  • Backend as a service (BaaS)
  • Functions as a service (FaaS)
  • AWS Lambda basic concepts
  • Serverless Framework 101
  • Why is infrastructure as code so important?
  • What we are going to build
  • Getting started with the project
2. Get Started with Kinesis
  • Kinesis introduction
  • Designing an event-driven application
  • Create stream with CloudFormation
  • Create an order
  • Setting up DynamoDB and saving into the table
  • Send a message to the stream using AWS SDK
  • Setting up all the permissions
  • Deploying and testing
  • Challenge: API Gateway and Lambda
  • Solution: API Gateway and Lambda
3. SNS, SQS, and Kinesis
  • AWS Lambda and Kinesis streams
  • Trigger a new Lambda
  • Configure SES
  • Send an SES message
  • Test out SES Message
  • Challenge: Kinesis
  • Solution: Kinesis
4. Lifecycle of a Message in the Stream
  • What is the difference between SNS, SQS, and Kinesis?
  • Create a queue with CloudFormation
  • Send a message to SQS
  • Trigger a Lambda with a new SQS message
  • Challenge: SQS
  • Solution: SQS
  • Clean up the AWS environment
  • Next steps

Taught by

Marcia Villalba