Prepare for the AWS Certified Developer Associate Exam

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7 hours worth of material


Prepare for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification exam by mastering skills in AWS development, security, deployment, refactoring, and monitoring and troubleshooting.
  • Learn the basics of AWS development.
  • Develop and deploy secure applications to AWS.
  • Write sustainable code that is secure and optimized for AWS.


  • Course 1: Learning Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Developers
    • Learn what AWS has to offer developers. Review AWS pricing and solutions for security, storage, messaging, deployment, monitoring, and more.
  • Course 2: Deploying Your AWS Application to the Cloud with Docker
    • Deploy code changes with little to no downtime. Discover how to build and deploy a serverless application on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Docker.
  • Course 3: AWS for Developers: Data-Driven Serverless Applications with Kinesis
    • Serverless adoption is growing rapidly. Developers can stay sharp by learning about serverless applications. This course focuses on Kinesis, an AWS serverless service.
  • Course 4: AWS Security Best Practices for Developers
    • Create stronger, more secure applications for AWS deployment. Learn security best practices for Identity and Access Management, S3 storage, Key Management Service (KMS), and Cognito.
  • Course 5: AWS for Developers: Simple Email Service (SES)
    • Learn how to use AWS Simple Email Service (SES), the cloud-based email delivery service, for a cost-effective and simple way to reliably send emails to your users.

Taught by

Bear Cahill, Carlos Rivas, Marcia Villalba, Carlos Rivas and Jeremy "JV" Villeneuve