In this course, you will learn about Digital Electronics Switching Theory and Logic Design for GATE, NET and other competitive exams. You will learn about the designing steps for digital circuit, truth table, boolean algebra, logic gates, SOP and POS, boolean functions, Karnaugh Map, combinational circuit, multiplexer, decoder, sequential circuits, flip flops, counters, number system conversions, arithmetic, compliments, and much more.
Part 0.1- Digital electronics switching theory syllabus marks distribution blue print gate net hindi.
Part 0.3- Designing Steps for a Digital Circuit truth table Boolean function expression circuit.
Part-0.4 #BooleanAlgebra #BooleanLaws #BooleanOperators in Hindi.
Part-1.2 nor gate in hindi truth table logic gate 3 input.
Part-1.4 Exor gate in hindi truth table logic gate 3 input logic nand boolean.
Part-1.10 Properties of xor and xnor gates in hindi relationship between xor and xnor.
Part-1.11 #XORandXNORLogicGates #QuestionsonXORandXNORGates #PreviousYearQuestionsonXORandXNOR.
Part 2.1 - Sum of Product sop expression in hindi minterms truth table.
Part 2.4 - Conversion from POS Product of Sum to Canonical Product of Sum form standard form.
Part 2.7 - Number of Boolean functions over n variables.
Part 2.8 - Complement of a function in hindi.
Part 2.12 - Properties of duality Dual of a Boolean function Duality theorem principle of duality.
Part 2.14 - Self dual function.
Part - 3.2 How to design and Solve #KarnaughMap #KMap #SolveusingKmap in Digital Electronics.
Part - 3.3 How to do mapping in #KMap #MappinginKMap #MappinginKarnaughMap.
Part - 3.4 How to map and Solve #3VariableKMap #3VariableKarnaughMap #KMap in Hindi.
Part - 3.6 #MinimalFunction #Don'tCareCondition #SolveusingKMap in Hindi.
Part - 3.9 #Implicants #PrimeImplicants #EssentialPrimeImplicants in K Map in Hindi.
Part - 3.13 #PracticeQuestionsonMinimalExpression #DonotCareCondition #KMap.
Part - 3.14 #PreviousYearQuestiononKMap #PreviousyearNETQuestions #QuestionsonKmap.
12 - Understanding Direct Operation on Functions Part-1.
18 - AND-OR (NAND-NAND) Implementation.
20 - Implementing every gate with NAND Gate.
22 - Funtionally Complete Function.
Combinational Circuit in Hindi |Block Diagram|Types of Combinational Circuit.
Half adder in hindi block diagram expression implementation k map truth table Boolean expression.
Full adder in hindi block diagram truth table implementation designing expression sum and carry.
look ahead carry adder look ahead carry generator ripple adder carry propagation delay.
Multiplexer in hindi digital electronics 4 to 1 block diagram truth table characteristic equation.
12 - Multiplexer Expansion Part-1.
16 - Implementing 1x4 DeMultiplexer.
17 - Basics of Decoder.
19 - Implementing 2x4 Decoder.
Part 5.1 - Sequential Circuits in Hindi | Sequential Circuits Lecture | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS.
Part 5.3 - S R Flip Flops in Hindi | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS |Sequential Circuits in Hindi.
Part 5.4 - J K Flip Flops in Hindi | Sequential Circuit | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS.
Part 5.7 - Clock triggering in hindi | positive edge negative edge positive level negative level.
Part 5.9 - flip flop conversion in hindi | Sequential circuits | DIGITAL ELECTRONICS.
Part 5.11 - Types of counters in Hindi | Difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous counters.
Part 5.12 - Synchronous counter example using d flip flop in hindi flip flops | Digital electronics.
Part 5.15 - Synchronous Counter designing using T flip flop in hindi | Sequential Circuits.
Part 6.1 - Number system digital electronics switching theory hindi gate exam cse ugc csir net.
Part 6.2 - How to convert from Any base any number system Conversion to decimal how to convert.
Part 6.3 - Decimal to any base any number system conversion how to convert binary octal hexadecimal.
Part 6.8 - Minimum number of bits required to represent a binary number in digital electronics.
Part 6.10 - Addition and Subtraction of binary Quaternary Octal Hexadecimal any base how to do hindi.
Part 6.11 - Multiplication and Division of binary Quaternary octal hexadecimal number in hindi how.
Signed magnitude number representation of binary numbers in hindi addition and subtraction.
1's complement representation of binary number signed one's complement how to read and write.
2's complement representation of binary numbers in hindi two's complement read and write negative.
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