Ultrafast Optics and Spectroscopy

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


Plane wave and phase velocity, Representation of short pulses in time and frequency domain, General construction of laser, Ultrafast Laser System: Oscillator and Amplifier, Gaussian Beam characteristics, Polarization and Birefringence in ultrafast optics, Pulse Measurements in frequency and time domains, Nonlinear Ultrafast Optics: second order, third order, higher order, Dispersion in Ultrafast Optics, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Ultrafast Dynamics through Conical Intersections, Ultrafast Processes in gas, liquid, and solids INTENDED AUDIENCE: Senior UG, MSc and PhD StudentsPREREQUISITES: NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Optic Industries and Spectrometer


COURSE LAYOUTWeek 1: Introduction and Mathematical Representation of Ultrafast PulseWeek 2,3,4: Propagation of Ultrafast Pulse, Part I: Nonlinear Optical EffectsWeek 5,6: Propagation of Ultrafast Pulse, Part II: Dispersion EffectsWeek 7: Construction of Ultrafast LaserWeek 8: Measurement of Ultrafast PulsesWeek 9: Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Part I: Measurement TechniquesWeek 10: Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Part II: Kinetic and Quantum ModelWeek 11: Ultrafast Processes, Part I: Molecular Photophysics and Photochemistry, Gas Phase Reaction DynamicsWeek 12: Ultrafast Processes, Part II: Metals, Semiconductors, Biomolecules and Transition Metal Complexes.

Taught by

Dr. Atanu Bhattacharya