Biodiversity and Ecological Resources

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


The course “Biodiversity and Ecological resources” would serve a 04 credit Core Course in B.Sc. Environmental Science, under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of UGC. The course would also be useful as one of the compulsory subject for all students of the undergraduate streams, e.g. arts, science, commerce and other biomedical sciences. The environmental studies course gives an overview towards understanding of basic environment and ecological services. The conservation and management of natural resources besides use and over exploitation is also detailed in the course. The decline in Earth's biological diversity has far more deep implications than other environmental dilemmas, sometimes more commonly acknowledged that will be documented her. The ex- situ and in-situ approaches for protection of earth’s biodiversity are the main conservative tools for protection of earth’s biodiversity and will be established in the course. The enormous variety of natural resources on this planet provides everything for survival of all forms of life including man. Forests and wildlife are essential for ecological balance of an area. The energy is critical directly or indirectly in the entire process of evolution growth and survival of all forms of life. Energy security is therefore important for economic growth and alleviation of poverty and unemployment. The programme will give us detailed information about the concept and strategies of sustainable development for the management of all biological resources including the ecological footprint and carbon sequestration for sustainable development.


WEEK 1Concept of an ecosystemStructure and function of an ecosystemDefinition: Genetic, Species and Ecosystem diversityProducers, Consumers and decomposers WEEK 2Energy Flow in the ecosystemFood Chains, Food websEcological PyramidsEcological Succession WEEK 3Endangered and endemic species of IndiaConcept of exotic speciesForest ecosystemDesert Ecosystem WEEK 4Grasses & Grasslands – IGrasses & Grasslands – IIGrasses & Grasslands -IIIAquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries) WEEK 5Value of biodiversity: Consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical and aesthetic and option valuesThreats to biodiversity: Habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-life conflictsHotspots of biodiversity – IHotspots of biodiversity – II WEEK 6In-situ Conservation of biodiversityEx-situ Conservation of biodiversityBiogeographical classification of IndiaIndia as a mega diversity nation WEEK 7Biodiversity at Global, national and local levelLand ResourcesForest Resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestationMineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects. Cases WEEK 8Use and over-utilization of surface and ground waterFloods, drought, conflicts over water resourcesFood Resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studiesSources of Energy WEEK 9Energy Resources: Non-Renewable energy sources and use of alternative energy sourcesUrban problems related to energyGrowing energy needs, Energy crisis and Renewable energy sourcesConcept of water harvesting and water shed management WEEK 10Concept of Ecological footprintCarbon sequestrationBiological diversity act (2002)National Green Tribunal Act (2010) WEEK 11Monitoring and management of biodiversityManagement of mineral resourcesManagement of fresh water resourcesManagement of forest resources WEEK 12Microbial diversity in soilFunctions of microorganisms in environmentMicroorganisms and Human healthManagement of microbial resources 

Taught by

Dr. Javid A. Parray