Mulberry and Silkworm Crop Protection

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


Sericulture is practiced in more than 50 countries of the world under tropical and subtropical conditions. In India, it is a well established agro-based cottage industry with greater employment opportunities in rural areas. India enjoys a dubious distinction of being the only country producing all the five commercially known silks, viz. mulberry, tropical tasar, temperate or oak tasar, eri and muga. Among these, mulberry silk alone accounts for about 90% of the raw silk produced in the country. Mulberry sericulture chiefly comprises four distinct activities, viz. mulberry cultivation, silkworm rearing, silkworm egg production as well as silk reeling and silk weaving. Of these, mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing form the basis for rest of the activities and contribute greatly to ultimate and determine the profitability.
Mulberry (Morus spp.) constitutes the exclusive food plant of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Hence, production of an appreciable quantity of superior quality mulberry foliage assumes great significance in order to realize silkworm rearing a profitable venture. Some of the major constraints in this regard includes lack of irrigation, insufficient rainfall, unscientific agronomical practices and outbreak of diseases and pests. The diseases of mulberry are caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, mycoplasma and viruses and account for a reduction of 12-15% in leaf production apart from considerable decline in quality. Similarly, the pests cause a reduction of 10-15% in leaf yield in addition to sizeable lowering of quality. With regard to silkworm diseases caused by protozoa, bacteria, viruses and fungi. The loss in cocoon yield is of the order of 10-15% with considerable reduction in silk quantity. Likewise the pests, chiefly the uzi fly, Exorista bombycis inflict a reduction of 10-20% in cocoon yield. On the whole, the pests and diseases of mulberry and silkworm constitute the major impediments that cause considerable economic loss. Therefore, there isan dire need to sericulture farmers to take up appropriate measures to alleviate the problems in question in order to realize the desired benefits.
The course helps us to understand the technologies and package of practices for mulberry and silkworm diseases and management of insect pests. This will aid in developing of forewarning systems, disease monitoring system to individuals involved in mulberry cultivation, silkworm seed multiplication and rearing of silkworms. Also maintain, multiply and supply of bio-control agents to control the insect pests of host plant and silkworm with evaluation and management strategies for prevention and control. Study and understanding of the therapeutic control of fungal, viral and bacterial diseases of silkworm along with the other factors responsible for crop losses. This knowledge can be used in enhancing the productivity of mulberry and silkworm both qualitatively and quantitatively



Week – I | 1. Status of Mulberry Pests & their Classification | 2. Categories and Types of Pests | 3. Leaf Eating Pest Mulberry | 4. Sucking Pests of Mulberry |
Week – II | 5.Pest Surveillance and Forecasting | 6. Insect Pests Control | 7. Integrated Pest Management | 8. Biological Control of Mulberry Pests |
Week – III | 9. Integrated Management of Mulberry Pests | 10. Host-Pathogen- Environment Interaction | 11. Principles of Plant Infection | 12. Pathological and Ecological Anatomy of Mulberry |
Week – IV | 13. Classification and Symptoms of Plant Diseases | 14. Shoot Diseases of Mulberry | 15. Root diseases of Mulberry | 16. Foliar Diseases of Mulberry |
Week – V | 17. Nematodes | 18. Viral and Mycoplasma Diseases of Mulberry | 19. Integrated Management of Mulberry Diseases | 20. Insect vector |
Week – VI | 21.Common Weeds of Mulberry | 22. Weed Management in Mulberry | 23. Alleopathy Weeds with Allelopathy potentiality |
Week – VII | 24. Papaya Mealy bug Infesting Mulberry and its Management | 25. History, Distribution and Taxonomy of Silkworm Tachinid Fly | 26. Pests of Grainage of their Management |
Week – VIII | 27. Bio-Ecology of Silkworm Uzi fly | 28. Integrated Management of Silkworm Uzi fly | 29. Biological Control of Silkworm Uzi fly |
Week – IX | 30. Mass Production of Bio-Control Agents | 31. Status of Silkworm Diseases and Classification | 32. Pre-disposing factors for Diseases of Silkworm |
Week – X | 33. Microsporidian Diseases of Silkworm | 34. Bacterial Diseases of Silkworm | 35. Fungal Diseases of Silkworm | 36.Non-Infectious Diseases of Silkworm |
Week –XI | 37. Diagnosis of Silkworm Diseases | 38. Disinfection in Silkworm Rearing | 39. Bed Disinfection of Silkworm | 40. Integrated Management of Silkworm Diseases |

Taught by

Dr S H Divya