Tutorial 01: Natural Language Processing using Python in A.I | Basic of NLP and Types Applications.
Tutorial 02: Natural language Understanding and Generation How NLP Works in Artificial intelligence.
Tutorial 03: Tokenization in NLP using Python and Spacy | Word and Sentence Tokenization Explained.
Tutorial 04: Lemmatization in NLP using Python in Urdu|Tokenization vs lemmatization in NLP in Hindi.
Tutorial 05: Stopwords in Natural Language Processing Hindi/Urdu | How to Add and Remove Stopwords.
Tutorial 06: Vocabulary and Phrase Matching in NLP Python Hindi/Urdu | nlp.vocab Phrasematcher.
Tutorial 07: POS Tagging and Visualizing in NLP Hindi | View token tags | Fine grained tags|POS tags.
Tutorial 08: Name Entity Recognition in NLP using Spacy | NER Tags Noun-chunk entity annotation NLP.
Tutorial 09: Sentence Segmentation in NLP with Deep NLP|Sentence Segmentation IN SPACY with own rule.
Tutorial 10: Stemming in NLP using Spacy NTLK | Stemming Porter Stemming Snowball Stemming in NLP.
Tutorial 11: Gentle Introduction of Bag of words in NLP with Deep NLP using Python in Hindi / Urdu.
Tutorial 12: Feature Extraction in NLP using Document Frequency Inverse Document Frequency, TF-IDF.
Tutorial 13: Hashing with HashingVectorizer in NLP | What is hashingvectorizer in NLP using python.
Tutorial 14: N-grams in NLP with basic example in Python |bigram unigram trigram in NLP using python.
Tutorial 15: How to Prepare Text Data with KERAS in NLP | Data Cleaning in NLP using KERAS.
Tutorial 16: Part 1 - Text Classification in NLP using Machine Learning (Logistic Regression) Python.
Tutorial 17: Part 2 - Logistic Regression in NLP using countvectorizer, tfidfvectorizer, pipeline.
Tutorial 18: Text Classification using SVM classifier including tfidfvectorizer and pipeline in NLP.
Tutorial 19: Text classification using K Nearest Neighbors including tfidfvectorizer and pipeline.
Tutorial 20: Text classification Naive Bayes Multinomial Classifier tfidfvectorizer and pipeline.
Tutorial 21: Sentiment/Text Classification for Restaurant Reviews using Machine Learning models.
Tutorial 22: Word Embedding using Word2Vec | Word2Vec using Continuous bag-of-words CBOW, Skip Gram.
Tutorial 23: word2vec using Gensim and Spacy with FREE [SOURCE CODE] | word embedding vs word2vec.
Tutorial 24: Sentiment Analysis of Amazon Reviews using NLTK VADER MODULE PYTHON with [SOURCE CODE].
Tutorial 25: Topic Modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Theory | LDA TOPIC MODELING.
Tutorial 26: [PRACTICAL] - Topic Modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation | TOPIC MODELING Python.
Tutorial 27: Topic Modeling using NMF using Sklearn 20 Newsgroups |Non-negative matrix factorization.
Tutorial 28:Topic Modeling using non negative matrix factorization NMF NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO dataset.
Tutorial 29: NLP Deep Learning | Perceptron | Activation Function | Artificial Neural Network NLP.
Tutorial 30: Keras Basic for NLP | TensorFlow Keras Classification using IRIS dataset [ANN].
Tutorial 31: Stanza NLP Toolkit for Urdu Hindi and English Language | NLP for Urdu/Hindi Language.
Tutorial 32: iNLTK -Natural Language Toolkit for Indic Languages| iNLTK with Python Fahad Hussain CS.
Tutorial 33: Text Generation using Recurrent Neural Network Python Keras | RNN vs LSTM vs GRU.