Advanced and Applied AI on Microsoft Azure

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Paid Course
Certificate Available
15 weeks long, 5-6 hours worth of material


Develop machine learning skills with Python and explore Azure's AI functionality

Enhance your understanding of machine learning and AI using Microsoft Azure and Python.


Courses under this program:
Course 1: Microsoft Future Ready: Using Python Programming to Explore the Principles of Machine Learning
-Build your understanding of AI and machine learning before gaining practical experience using Python programming.

Course 2: Applied Artificial Intelligence: Speech Recognition Systems
-Developing and understanding Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems using Python.

Course 3: Applied Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing
-Learn how Natural Language Processing is a crucial component in AI and understand its core problems.

Course 4: Applied Artificial Intelligence: Computer Vision and Image Analysis
-Learn how computer vision is important in AI and gain practical experience of image analysis.