Psychology for Health and Well Being

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
4 weeks long


The course “Psychology for Health and Well-being” is a generic elective course in B.A. Psychology under the Choice Based Credit System. Over the years, there is an increasing emphasis on mental health since the evolution of the mental hygiene movement in mid-19th century. This "mental hygiene" movement has led to the diverse approaches on mental health promotion. Whilst most of the work in mental health geared towards mental illness, service and care, this movement focused on promotion of mental health. Gradually the understanding that mental health is just more than the absence of mental illness resulted in the development of diverse models and perspectives on mental health, well-being and illness. Thus it is crucial for the learners to understand the well-being paradigm and develop a perspective in order to understand the increasing vulnerability in a changing context. This course enables the learner to explore the concept of mental health and to distinguish the same from mental illness and appreciate the significance of mental health promotion.





DAY-1: Health and well-being

 To elucidate the concept of health.

 To elaborate various dimensions of health.

 To understand the notion of well-being.

 To discuss the various facets of well-being.

 To explore the relation between health and well-being.


DAY-2:Introduction to Bio-medical model and its assumptions

 Understanding history of bio medical model.

 Understanding philosophical and theoretical foundations and perspectives.

 Understanding germ theory.

 Understanding bio medical model.

 Understanding principles of bio medical model.

 Understanding characteristics of biomedical model.

 Understanding assumptions of bio medical model.

 Understanding advantages and disadvantages of bio medical model.


DAY-3 Introduction to Bio-Psychosocial model and its assumptions

 Understanding the historical background of Biopsychosocial model

 To get familiar with the major premises of bio-medical model.

 Understanding the role of biological, social and psychological factors in the health and illness.


DAY-4 Advantages and disadvantages of Bio psychosocial model,

Biomedical model v/s Bio-Psychosocial model

 Introduction of biomedical model

 Introduction of biopsychosocial model

 Principles of Biomedical model

 Principles of biopsychosocial model

 Advantages of Bio-psychosocial Model


DAY-5 Concept of holistic health, its principles and importance

 Understanding the concept of holism and holistic health approach.

 Understanding the concept and benefits of holistic care.

 Understanding the misconceptions about holistic health approach.

 Understanding the application of a true holistic approach to our wellbeing.

 Understanding how holistic health is practiced.

 Understanding the basic principles of holistic health.

 Understanding the aims of holistic health practice.

 Understanding the principles of holistic medicine.

 Understanding the principles of holistic practitioners.

 Understanding the importance of holistic health approach.

AssignmentsUNIT II: STRESS AND COPINGWEEK-2DAY-1 Nature and concept of stress • Understanding Meaning and definitions of stress• Understanding fight or flight response• Understanding types of stress• Understanding meaning of stressors• Understanding types of stressors• Understanding symptoms of stress• Understanding effects of stress• Understanding different models of stress • Meaning and definitions of stress• Fight or flight response• Types of stress• Meaning of stressors Types of stressors Symptoms of stress Effects of stress Nature of stress Models of stress Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-2DAY-2 Sources of stress and how does stress cause illness • Understand the concept of stress• Gain knowledge about various sources of stress• Delineate between external and internal sources of stress• Learn about different categories of external stressors• Differentiate between continuous and discrete stressors• Learn about the effects of these stressors on health and wellbeing• Learn about the diversity of stressors and their health consequences•Understand the relation between stress and illness from different perspectives• Learn about the physiological mechanisms related to continuous exposure of stress• Learn about the stress related damages to neurological and other physiological aspects of the body• Learn about the association between stress related physiological mechanisms and different illnesses.• Concept of stress Sources of stress External sources of stress Internal sources of stress• How stress causes illness Sociological perspectives Psychological perspectives Biological perspectives Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-2DAY-3 Chronic process and Acute process • The Concept of Acute Stress and its Treatment• The concept of chronic stress• Health and safety risks of chronic stress,• Forms and Treatment of chronic stress• Coping with Acute and Chronic stress • Concept of Stress Acute and Chronic stress Coping with Acute and Chronic Stress Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-2DAY-4 Effect of stress on mental health • Be able to define stress• Be able to understand the factors which mediate stress, like social support, psychosocial resources and coping styles.• Be able to understand the concept of allostatic load and basic components of immune system.• Be able to understand the theories of the stress-illness link.• Be able to understand the role of stress in mental disorders. • Stress Mediating factors in stress Stress-illness link Neurobiological perspective Allostatic load• Stress and immune system Effect of stress on mental health Adjustment disorder Acute stress disorder Dissociative disorder Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-2DAY-5 Concept of coping, Ways of coping and stress management • Understanding the concept of stress• To have an understanding of ways of coping with stress• To get a basic knowledge about stress management• To get familiar with various techniques of stress management• To get familiar with the stress management program • Understanding the concept of stress• Coping with stress Stress Management Techniques of Stress Management Stress Management Program Quizzes/AssignmentsUNIT III: HEALTH MANAGEMENTWEEK-3DAY-1 Health enhancing behaviors: Exercise and Weight control: Health protective behaviors and illness management • Understanding the concept of health behaviours.• Understanding the dimensions of health behaviours.• Understanding the concept of exercise and weight control as health enhancing and protective behaviours.• Understanding the application and importance of these health enhancing behaviours.• Understanding the concept of illness management.• Understanding the effectiveness of illness management. • Introduction dimensions of health behaviours. health enhancing and protective behaviours Application and importance of health enhancing behaviours• Concept of illness management. Effectiveness of illness management.

Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-3DAY-2 Nutrition • Understanding the Concept of Nutrition• Understanding the Role of Nutrition• Understanding the Components of Nutrition• Understanding the concept Malnutrition• Introduction Role of Nutrition Components of Nutrition• MalnutritionQuizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-3DAY-3 Accident prevention • Understanding meaning of accidents• Understanding causes of accidents• Understanding unsafe acts• Understanding various types of accidents• Understanding accident prevention• Understanding various techniques of reducing accidents• Understanding other preventive measures of accident prevention• Understanding framework for Safe System of Work to prevent accidents• Understanding different models of accident prevention• Understanding Swiss cheese model• Introduction Causes of Accidents Unsafe acts Types of Accidents• Accident Prevention Techniques of Reducing Accidents Preventive Measures of Accident Prevention Framework for Safe System of Work to Prevent Accidents Models of Accident Prevention• Swiss cheese model Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-3DAY-4 Health compromising behaviours: Alcoholism, Smoking • Understanding history of alcoholism• Understanding meaning of alcoholism• Understanding stages of alcoholism• Understanding effects of alcoholism• Understanding history of smoking• Understanding meaning of smoking• Understanding effects of smoking on health • History of Alcoholism Meaning of Alcoholism Stages of Alcoholism Effects of Alcoholism• History of Smoking Meaning of Smoking Effects of Smoking On Health Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-3DAY-5 Substance Abuse • Introduction• Acute Intoxication• Withdrawal State• Dependence Syndrome• Causes of Substance Abuse• Alcohol Use Disorders• Opioid Use Disorders• Cannabis Use Disorder• Cocaine Use Disorder• Amphetamine Use Disorder• LSD Use Disorder• Barbiturates Use Disorder• Benzodiazepines and other Sedative Hypnotics• Inhalants or Volatile Solvent Use Disorder• Phencyclidine Use Disorder• Caffeine and Nicotine• Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse• Treatment of Substance Abuse • Introduction Acute Intoxication Withdrawal State Dependence Syndrome Causes of Substance Abuse• Alcohol Use Disorders• Opioid Use Disorders• Cannabis Use Disorder• Cocaine Use Disorder• Amphetamine Use Disorder• LSD Use Disorder• Barbiturates Use Disorder• Benzodiazepines and other Sedative Hypnotics• Inhalants or Volatile Solvent Use Disorder• Phencyclidine Use Disorder• Caffeine and Nicotine• Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse• Treatment of Substance Abuse Quizzes/AssignmentsUNIT IV: HUMAN STRENGTHS AND LIFE MANAGEMENTWEEK-4DAY-1 Classification of human strengths and virtuesPhysical strengths and virtues • Be able to understand the background and importance of classifying human strengths and virtues.• Be able to understand the attempts at classifying human strengths and virtues.• Be able to understand the criteria for selection of human strengths and methods for identifying them in “Values in Action” classification of human strengths.• Be able to understand different human strengths.• Be able to appreciate the relationship between physical fitness and mental health.• Be able to understand a relationship between character strengths and physical fitness/virtues. • Introduction to background and importance of classifying human strengths and virtues.• Criteria for selection of human strengths and methods for identifying them in “Values in Action” classification of human strengths.• Different human strengths. Relationship between physical fitness and mental health. Relationship between character strengths and physical fitness/virtues. Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-4DAY-2 Mental strengths and virtues, Hope, Optimism • Introduction• Virtue of Wisdom and Knowledge• Virtue of Courage• Virtue of Humanity• Virtue of Justice• Virtue of Temperance• Virtue of Transcendence• Hope• Hope as a cognitive style• Hope as a Positive Emotion.• Hope as a Character Strength• Optimism• Introduction to Mental strengths• Virtue of Wisdom and Knowledge• Virtue of Courage• Virtue of Humanity• Virtue of Justice• Virtue of Temperance• Virtue of Transcendence• Introduction to Hope Hope as a cognitive style Hope as a Positive Emotion. Hope as a Character Strength• Optimism Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-4DAY-3 Gainful employment:Me/we balance • Understanding the concept of gainful employment.• Understanding the components of gainful employment.• Understanding the theoretical approaches and applications of gainful employment.• Understanding the new emphasis on gainful employment in India.• Understanding the concept of Me/We balance.• Understanding the concept of individualism and collectivism • Introduction to gainful employment. Components of gainful employment. Theoretical approaches and applications of gainful employment Gainful Employment in India• Concept of Me/We balance. Concept of individualism and collectivism
Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-4DAY-4 Resilience • Know the concept of resilience• Identify the pathways to resilience• Understand the models of resilience• Know about the main concepts in resilience research• Identify the sources of resilience • Introduction to Resilience. Pathways to Resilience. Models of Resilience. Sources of Resilience Quizzes/AssignmentsWEEK-4DAY-5 Meditation and Self-introspection • Understanding History of meditation.• Understanding Meaning and definitions of Meditation• Understanding Types of meditation.• Understanding History of self-introspection• Understanding Meaning and definitions of Self-introspection. • History of Meditation Meaning and definitions of Meditation Types of Meditation• History of self-introspection Meaning and definitions of Self-introspection.

Taught by

Dr. Yasir Hamid