CBT Cognitive Behavior Therapy Life Coaching Certification

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Paid Course
Certificate Available
3-4 hours worth of material


Leverage the Science of Your Mind: Life Coach Practitioner Accredited for 16 CPD/CE Therapeutic Credit Hours

What you'll learn:
  • How to master communication with yourself
  • Use the material for professional use or as a personal reflective tool
  • Eliminate your self-sabotaging behaviors and thinking
  • How to leverage the science of the mind
  • Succeed in the 'helping industry' by teaching others to gain control over their thoughts and emotions
  • A nurturing community of over 5,000 active students from 172 countries
  • Experience psychological peace
  • Fully-accredited for 16 Professional Development CPD/CE credit hours
  • Remove barriers and emotional blocks
  • Re-condition your mind for happiness
  • Help people who are suffering or falling behind
  • Free customizable coaching workbook and handouts
  • CPD/CE Provider #776727
  • Superb student reviews!

Students who complete this course are eligible to apply for a complimentary Accredited CSA Cognitive Behavioral Life Coach Certification (12-B.4 Teaching Member in Good Standing with 16 Continuing Professional Development Credit Hours).

Accredited certificates are awarded on a 1-year basis with the option to extend or renew.

Providing you complete the course on the Udemy platform, and are approved by the CSA Application Review Team, you'll be granted permission to display your CSA Teaching credentials to both current and prospective clients.

(Provider No: 776727)


Patrick Spring Howell is recognized as a top Udemy instructor in the life coaching category (52,000 students | 172 countries).

This program includes access to a thriving community of more than 7,000 active life coaches, professionals, and personal growth enthusiasts. Together we strive to answer your questions within 24 hours.


IMPORTANT: This cognitive-behavioral coaching course is NOT to be used for the treatment of mental illness.This training is designed for use in life coaching or as a personal reflective tool. Coaches (or prospective coaches) enrolling in this course MUST refer anyone seeking, or in need of, mental health services, to a qualified mental health professional immediately.

★★★★★ "I loved the course. The instructor seems like he really knows and loves the things he's talking about. It's hard not to learn in such an environment!" - Maximillian

★★★★★ "I absolutely love the examples given during this course. - Kelly Lynne

★★★★★ "Such a perfect fit for me. My long period of search and wait is over. I'm really going to build on this block- my diplomatic cert. Awesome trainers." - Dr. Anthony

★★★★★ "This course is brilliant!!" - Joanne

★★★★★ "I learned so much from this course! Found it to be relevant and offer excellent insight into setting a finer protocol for myself. Great forms as well." - Holly

★★★★★ "I loved Patrick's teaching style and found his teachings were well broken down and easy to understand! I would HIGHLY recommend this course!" - Krista

★★★★★ "I loved this course. the structure and supporting material are perfect. taking this has not only been extremely informative, but has also given me confidence that this is a field I have the appetite and skills to succeed in. side note; the tutor was 100% credible and genuine." - Francesco

★★★★★ "I love the structure of the course, as well as concepts and the instructor." - Lynne

CBT Coaching - like an owner's manual for your mind!

Thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are in aninterplay -afluid dance. Each one . . . thoughts, emotions and behaviors, has the ability to impact the other two - in either positive or negative ways. Because humans have a unique ability to influence all three, we also possess this special opportunity to create the life experiences that we want. To say it another way, we have it within our control to experience more of the positive and less of the negative.

Become a life-coaching professional and teach othersto master difficult emotions and eliminate self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.

Become thecatalyst forthe transformation thatyou and your coachingclients deserve.

In this course you’ll learn CBT coaching strategiesfor;

  • Reprogramming your mind to accept healthier, positive thoughts

  • Mastering difficult emotions

  • Overcoming negative thinking patterns

  • Stopping ruminating and unproductive thoughts

  • Replacing self-destructive behaviors with productive ones

  • Managing stress

  • Setting and achieving your goals

  • Silencing the inner critic

  • Taking congruent and decisive action

  • Shifting your thinking from being a victim to a feeling of control

Who is the target audience?

  • Typical practitioners of CBT coaching include; life coaches, therapists, counselors, teachers, social workers, pastors, organizational leaders, parents, and wellness professionals

  • Anyone beginning a vocation as a life coaching professional

  • This training is ideal for those who are interested in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy practices

  • Current coaching professionals searching for integrative approaches to help others

  • Personal development enthusiastswho want to grow in happiness and success

Who We Are;

We are Patrick Howell (in front of the camera) and Debbie LynToomey running things behind the scenes.Combined we’ve been teaching, studying, and researching this material for nearly 45 years.We are bothentrepreneurs, Debbie is a registered nurse with three published books on the topic of coaching for happiness, Patrick has beenan entrepreneurand Coach Trainerfor more than 25years. He's led thecoachingdepartments at organizations such as The Institute for Advanced Human Performance, and Dale Carnegie Training.

At the core, all personal development exercises incorporate CBT based techniques. The foundation of CBT is at the root of everything you will learn in the life-coaching and personal achievement space. Asresearchers and educational trainers, all of our classes are based on; our formal education in psychology practices,our life-coaching experiences, and Patrick Spring Howell's published work for the American Society of Training and Development.

Taught by

Patrick Howell