IntelliJ for Test Automation Engineers

Test Automation University
Free Online Course
3-4 hours worth of material


Learn features of the IntelliJ IDE for writing and executing automated tests

  • IntelliJ for Test Automation Engineers
  • Chapter 1 - Installation
  • Chapter 2.1 - Creating a New Java project
  • Chapter 2.2 - Creating a Maven Project
  • Chapter 2.3 - Importing project from existing sources
  • Chapter 2.4 - Importing Project from Source Control
  • Chapter 3.1 - File Menu
  • Chapter 3.2 - View Menu
  • Chapter 3.3 - Help Menu
  • Chapter 4.1 - Project Screen
  • Chapter 4.2 - Footer and Maven Bars
  • Chapter 5 - Settings
  • Chapter 6.1 - Creating a Package and Test Class
  • Chapter 6.2 - Creating the Test Methods
  • Chapter 6.3 - Creating Fields and Variables
  • Chapter 6.4 - Calling Methods and Jumping to Source
  • Chapter 6.5 - Auto Import Class Reformat
  • Chapter 6.6 - Renaming Methods and Variables
  • Chapter 6.7 - More Tests and Flip
  • Chapter 7.1 - Running Package from Project Screen
  • Chapter 7.2 - Run and Rerunning
  • Chapter 7.3 - Run from Editor and Configurations
  • Chapter 7.4 - Pin, Fix Tests and Rerun
  • Chapter 8 - Debugging
  • Chapter 9 - Code Analysis
  • Chapter 10 - Version Control System
  • Chapter 11 - Additional Tips
  • Chapter 12 - Upgrading and Plugins

Taught by

Corina Pip