Introduction redirecting to new course - CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer.
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Cloudera Certified Associate Spark and Hadoop Developer.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Introduction.
Big Data Environment - Sign up for big data labs.
Big Data - Lab support for signup or login issues.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Using Cloudera Quickstart VM.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Using Cloudera Quickstart VM (Add on).
Cloudera Quickstart 5.5 Preview.
Cloudera Quickstart 5.5 preview - CCA certification.
Hadoop Certification - Sqoop commands - list and eval.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Import - Add on.
Hadoop Certification - 03 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 04 Sqoop Import.
Hadoop Certification - 05 Sqoop Import Incremental.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop Export.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop Export - Merge/Upsert.
Hadoop Ceritfication - 01 Sqoop import delimiters.
Hadoop Certification - 02 Sqoop export delimiters.
Hadoop Certification - 03 Sqoop File Formats.
Hadoop Certification - Sqoop Job and Sqoop Merge.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - 01 Flume Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Setup Telnet.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Running first job (telnet to logger).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Using HDFS Sink.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Flume - Ingest real time data into HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Copying data into HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Copying data from HDFS.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Spark Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Setup Spark 1.2.1 on Quickstart VM.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Introduction of pyspark (python on spark).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Submitting pyspark applications.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Text Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Sequence Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Reading and Saving Hive and JSON data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Developing Word Count program - flatMap, map, reduceByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Word Count Explained.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 01 Joining Data Sets using Python.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 02 Joining Data Sets using Python.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 03 Joining Data Sets using SQL.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 01 Aggregating Data (totals).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 02 Aggregating data (totals continued).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 03 Aggregating Data by key - Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - How Combiner Works?.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Combiner in reduceByKey and aggregateByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 04 Average by key (join, reduceByKey and aggregateByKey).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - 05 Max By Key (includes SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Filtering data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Global sorting and ranking (sortByKey, top and takeOrdered).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Recap of python list operations and groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Sorting and Ranking by key using groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Pyspark - Sorting and Ranking using SQL.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Submitting scala applications.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Text Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Sequence Files.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Reading and Saving Hive and JSON data.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Developing Word Count program - flatMap, map, reduceByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Word Count Explained.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 01 Joining Data Sets.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 02 Joining Data Sets using Hive or SQL Context in Scala.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 01 Aggregating Data (totals).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 02 Aggregating Data by key - Introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 03 Average by key (join, reduceByKey and aggregateByKey).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - How Combiner Works?.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Combiner in reduceByKey and aggregateByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - 04 Max By Key (includes SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Filtering data (includes sql).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Global sorting and ranking (sortByKey, top and takeOrdered).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Recap of scala list operations and groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Sorting and Ranking by key using groupByKey.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Scala - Ranking by key using groupByKey (including SQL).
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Data Analysis introduction.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Hive Metastore.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 05 Create Databases Hive DDL Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 06 Create Databases Hive DDL Demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 07 Extract and Load Sqoop Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 08 02 Extract and Load Sqoop Demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system 09 01 Extract and Load Hive Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 02 Extract and Load - Hive Load demo.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 03 Transformation and Load - Hive Insert Theory.
Data Warehouse using Hadoop eco system - 09 04 Transformation and Load - Hive Insert Demo.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Extracting Avro schema from Avro data files using avro-tools.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Create a table in the Hive metastore using Avro.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Partitioning in Hive with Avro file format.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Avro Schema Evolution in Hive and Impala.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Conclusion and Best of luck.
Hadoop Certification - 01 Sqoop common issues.
Hadoop Certification - CCA - Common Issues - Connection Refused.
Hadoop Certification - Common Issues - Get process details using jps, ps -ef and ps -fu commands.
Hadoop Certification - Common Issues - Running applications as shell programs.
Review of Ambari.
Big Data - Reviewing MySQL on lab.