Theory of Composite Shells

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
8 weeks long


Like beams and plates, shells are the functional element of structural engineering.At research level, a large group of researches work in the field of bending, free vibration, buckling and post buckling analysis of shells made of composites, sandwiches and advance material. In this course,basic concept of doubly curved surfaces will be developed and governing equation will be developed.This will help the participants to develop the shell equations as per their requirement.Bending,free vibration and buckling of shell will be explained.Atutorial using ABAQUS will also be conducted. INTENDED AUDIENCE :Research scholar and FacultiesPREREQUISITES : Advanced Solid MechanicsINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :NAL,ISRO,ANSYS,ABAQUS


Week 1:Curvilinear coordinate system and various fundamental of surfacesWeek 2:Classification of shell theoriesWeek 3:Development of governing equationsWeek 4:Use of shell constitutive relations and special cases
Week 5:Navier solutions for Cylinderical shells under bending loadWeek 6:Navier solution to axisymmetric,unsymmetrical casesWeek 7:Free vibration and buckling of cylindrical shells and basic development for Levy solutionsWeek 8:Introduction to three dimensional solutions of cylindrical shell

Taught by

Prof. Poonam Kumari