Advanced SAS Programming for R Users, Part 2

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to apply your understanding of R—the language of big data—in the SAS environment at an advanced level.

Advanced SAS Programming for R Users explores sophisticated techniques and concepts that can help you apply your understanding of R—the language of big data—in the SAS environment at an advanced level. In this course, Jordan Bakerman walks through several advanced SAS programming concepts. To begin, he covers the basics of the Interactive Matrix Language (IML), and discusses random number generation in IML, common IML modules, and how to pull a SAS dataset into an IML matrix. He then discusses how to call R from SAS, work with R from IML, and more. To get the most from this course, make sure to watch Advanced SAS Programming for R Users, Part 1.

Note: You can visit the SAS site to obtain a copy of the software, and use the companys online data sets to do the course exercises.


  • Welcome
1. Interactive Matrix Language (IML)
  • The basics of IML
  • Similarities to R
  • Additional techniques
  • Demo: Working in Interactive mode in SAS Studio
  • Demo: Basic matrix operations by example
  • Modules: Functions and subroutines
  • Random number generation in IML
  • Demo: Simple linear regression from scratch
  • Common IML modules
  • Demo: Navigating the SAS/IML documentation
  • Creating modules
  • Storage techniques
  • Demo: Creating functions and subroutines
  • Pulling a SAS dataset into an IML matrix
  • Creating or editing a SAS dataset with an IML matrix
  • Demo: Calling SAS datasets from IML
  • Calling SAS procedures from IML
  • Demo: Submitting SAS procedures
  • Syntax for simulations
  • Demo: The Monty Hall simulation
  • Simulation techniques in general
  • Demo: Sampling distribution method 1, entirely in IML
  • Demo: Sampling distribution method 2, iteratively calling SAS procedures from IML
  • Demo: Sampling distribution method 3, intelligently calling SAS procedures with the BY statement
2. A Bridge between SAS and R
  • Calling R from SAS in general
  • Readying your machine to call R
  • Moving code, data, and results between SAS and R
  • Demo: Working with R from IML

Taught by

Jordan Bakerman