PERN Stack Course - Build a Yelp clone (Postgres, Express, React, Node.js)

Free Online Course
6 hours worth of material


Learn the PERN stack by building a Yelp clone. The PERN stack includes PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node. You will learn all the basics including installation, creating databases/tables, making queries, adding entries, establishing relationship between tables, SQL joins, and more.


Intro .
PERN Stack Intro .
Postgres Windows Install .
Postgres Mac install .
Postgres Documentation .
PSQL Basics .
SQL Tables .
Create Table .
Modify Tables .
Delete Databases .
Yelp Project Database .
Node Setup .
Express Setup .
Environment Variables .
First Express Route .
Restful API Convention .
Configure all routes .
Express Middleware .
Finishing Up Routes .
Connect Express and Postgres .
Get all Restaurants Route .
Gone one Restaurant Route .
Create a Restaurant Route .
Update A Restaurant Route .
Delete A Restaurant Route .
React Setup .
React Router Setup .
HomePage Layout .
React Context API .
Fetching Data .
Rendering Restaurants .
Adding Restaurants .
Deleting Restaurants .
Updating Restaurants .
Detail Page .
Reviews Intro .
Reviews Postgres Table .
Star Rating Component .
Reviews Component Layout .
Add Review .
Add Review Express Route .
Add Review React Component .
Postgres Aggregate Functions .
SQL Joins and Wrapping up App.

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