Succeed as a Remote IT Administrator

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Certificate Available
24 hours worth of material


As businesses become more distributed, remote administration plays an increasingly large role in the responsibilities of IT pros. In this learning path, IT professionals can learn how to utilize remote access tools for various operating systems and implement security best practices for remote work.
  • Explore remote access tools for operating systems.
  • Discover practices that make remote work easier.
  • Learn to implement security best practices for remote work.


  • Course 1: Time Management: Working from Home
    • Get time management tips to stay productive and balanced when working from home part-time or full-time.
  • Course 2: Microsoft Teams Essential Training
    • Learn how to use the essentials of Microsoft Teams, the Office 365 collaborative workspace app.
  • Course 3: Learning Slack
    • Learn how to use Slack to communicate and collaborate seamlessly with your team. Discover how to be productive and effective with Slack.
  • Course 4: Learning Jira Software
    • Learn how to use Jira and the new Jira experience for issue tracking and project management. Learn Jira basics, such as creating and searching for tickets and building dashboards.
  • Course 5: Learning VPN
    • Get an introduction to virtual private networks (VPNs). Learn the basics you need to know to set up system access for remote users via VPN.
  • Course 6: Learning SSH
    • Learn how to connect to SSH servers, transfer files securely, and set up SSH.
  • Course 7: Windows 10: Manage Remote Access
    • Learn how to configure, optimize, and manage remote access on Windows 10.
  • Course 8: Linux: Desktops and Remote Access
    • Find the most productive way to work in Linux. Learn how to access a CentOS computer via desktop environments, terminal emulators, shells, and remote tools.
  • Course 9: Windows Server 2019: Remote Access Solutions
    • Learn how to use Windows Server 2019 to create a bridge and a secure gateway between the private networks of organizations of all sizes.
  • Course 10: Azure Administration: Business Continuity
    • Help your organization overcome unexpected or challenging events by implementing an effective business continuity plan using options in Microsoft Azure.
  • Course 11: DevOps Foundations: Incident Management
    • Learn how to handle the unexpected crises that come up around information systems from a DevOps perspective.
  • Course 12: Cybersecurity at Work
    • Learn about the most common cybersecurity threats that affect the modern workplace, and discover what you can do about them—both to protect yourself and your organization.
  • Course 13: Security Tips
    • Want to broaden your knowledge of security? Get tips that can help you take steps to protect your information—no technical pedigree required.
  • Course 14: Managing Virtual Teams
    • Learn how to manage a virtual team made up of remote team members located in different geographies and time zones.
  • Course 15: IT Support for a Hybrid Workforce
    • Explore important considerations for IT teams as companies prepare for the in-office return of the workforce.

Taught by

Dave Crenshaw, Nicholas Brazzi, Gini von Courter, Robert Anthony, Scott Simpson, Scott Simpson, Joli Ballew, Grant McWilliams, Scott Burrell, Matt Hester, Ernest Mueller, Caroline Wong, Scott Simpson, Phil Gold and Robert McMillen, MBA, MCT, MCSE