Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Learn how to leverage storytelling throughout the sales process. Learn the 25 most essential types of sales stories to earn buyer trust and make the sale.


  • A story for every step of the sale
1. Introducing Yourself to the Buyer
  • Explaining what you do, simply
  • Who I've helped and how I've helped them
2. Preparing for the Sales Call
  • Personal motivation story
  • Take the stress out of the call
3. Building Rapport
  • Why I do what I do
  • I'll tell you when I can't help you
  • I'll tell you when I made a mistake
  • I'll go to bat for you with my company
  • I'm not who you think I am
  • Founding story
  • How we're different from our competitors
4. Making the Main Sales Pitch
  • Your product's invention or discovery
  • Explaining the problem
  • Customer success
  • The "two roads" story
  • Adding value
5. Handling Objections
  • Objection response
  • Negotiating price
  • Resolving objections before they come up
6. Closing the Sale
  • Creating a sense of urgency
  • Arming your sponsor
  • Coaching the breakup
7. Managing Customer Relationships
  • What's worked well in the past
  • Building loyalty
  • Summarize the call
  • Next steps

Taught by

Paul A. Smith